InclusiĆ³n en el aula en la educaciĆ³n
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar como el entorno escolar de
carĆ”cter no inclusivo especializado afecta el desempeƱo en la realizaciĆ³n de
actividades de alumnos que posean alguna deficiencia o imposibilidad fĆsica de
afecciĆ³n en las extremidades superiores, especĆficamente manos y/o brazos, y
como el desarrollo y posterior implementaciĆ³n de una herramienta de apoyo para
el sistema educacional puede influir en una mejora de rendimiento y comodidad
para respectivos alumnos; entregando a los actores del sistema educacional
nuevas posibilidades para la realizaciĆ³n de actividades escritas con metodologĆas
adaptadas a las necesidades diferidas de todos sus alumnos.
Las investigaciones iniciales realizadas tienen como objetivo encontrar una
relaciĆ³n entre la deserciĆ³n escolar temprana, la poca actividad laboral de personas
discapacitadas y las falencias en materia de inclusiĆ³n que existe en los recintos no
especializados en Chile. Los estudios realizados muestran que personas
discapacitadas que no completan su educaciĆ³n bĆ”sica, poseen una empleabilidad
bastante baja, con sueldos no superiores a $220.000 pesos Chilenos. AdemƔs
presentando que una gran parte de esta deserciĆ³n escolar se debe a la baja
autoestima y motivaciĆ³n escolar provocada por la poca inclusiĆ³n existente en
aulas de clases de carĆ”cter comĆŗn. Como segundo tema de investigaciĆ³n se
revisĆ³ al docente en materia de inclusiĆ³n, demostrando que los docentes en
general no estĆ”n preparados para instaurar la inclusiĆ³n en las salas de clases, y
que de parte de las instituciones no existe interƩs para dar soluciones a estos
problemas. Y como ultima investigaciĆ³n se desea saber quĆ© caracterĆsticas debe
poseer algĆŗn software para ayudar a solucionar este problema en especĆfico,
dando como resultado en mĆŗltiples requerimientos e investigaciones de
funcionalidades, modalidades y diseƱo.
Finalmente se obtiene una aplicaciĆ³n funcional, la cual es probada con 3 alumnos,
dando como resultado el cumplimiento esperado de los objetivos, entregando
nuevas oportunidades a estudiantes que posean imposibilidades para la escritura
tradicional y mostrando una mejora en los tiempos de desarrollo de los mismos.
The objective of this study is to analyze how the specialized non-inclusive school environment affects the performance of students in carrying out activities that pose some impairment or physical impossibility of affection in the upper extremities, specifically hands and / or arms, and how the development and subsequent implementation of a support tool for the educational system can influence an improvement in performance and comfort in selecting students; providing the actors of the educational system with new possibilities for the realization of written activities with methodologies adapted to the deferred needs of all their students. The initial research carried out aims to find a relationship between early school leaving, the low work activity of disabled people, and the shortcomings in terms of inclusion that exist in non-specialized campuses in Chile. The studies carried out show that disabled people who do not complete their basic education have a fairly low employability, with salaries not exceeding $ 220,000 Chilean pesos. Furthermore, they show that a large part of this dropout is due to low self-esteem and school motivation caused by the lack of inclusion in ordinary classrooms. As a second research topic, the teacher was reviewed in terms of inclusion; showing that teachers in general are not prepared to establish inclusion in the classrooms, and that there is no interest on the part of the institutions to provide solutions to these problems. And as a last investigation you want to know what characteristics some software should have to help solve this specific problem, resulting in multiple requirements and investigations of functionalities, modalities, and design. Finally, a functional application is obtained, which is tested with 3 students, giving as a result the expected fulfillment of the objectives, giving new opportunities to the students who have impossibilities for the traditional writing and showing an improvement in the times of development of the same ones.
The objective of this study is to analyze how the specialized non-inclusive school environment affects the performance of students in carrying out activities that pose some impairment or physical impossibility of affection in the upper extremities, specifically hands and / or arms, and how the development and subsequent implementation of a support tool for the educational system can influence an improvement in performance and comfort in selecting students; providing the actors of the educational system with new possibilities for the realization of written activities with methodologies adapted to the deferred needs of all their students. The initial research carried out aims to find a relationship between early school leaving, the low work activity of disabled people, and the shortcomings in terms of inclusion that exist in non-specialized campuses in Chile. The studies carried out show that disabled people who do not complete their basic education have a fairly low employability, with salaries not exceeding $ 220,000 Chilean pesos. Furthermore, they show that a large part of this dropout is due to low self-esteem and school motivation caused by the lack of inclusion in ordinary classrooms. As a second research topic, the teacher was reviewed in terms of inclusion; showing that teachers in general are not prepared to establish inclusion in the classrooms, and that there is no interest on the part of the institutions to provide solutions to these problems. And as a last investigation you want to know what characteristics some software should have to help solve this specific problem, resulting in multiple requirements and investigations of functionalities, modalities, and design. Finally, a functional application is obtained, which is tested with 3 students, giving as a result the expected fulfillment of the objectives, giving new opportunities to the students who have impossibilities for the traditional writing and showing an improvement in the times of development of the same ones.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil InformƔtico)
Palabras clave
EducaciĆ³n Inclusiva, IntegraciĆ³n Escolar, Innovaciones TecnolĆ³gicas