Creación de una aplicación web para apoyar al curso Introducción a la Programación de la Universidad Andrés Bello
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El proyecto se enfoca en el desarrollo de una aplicación web diseñada para
apoyar al curso introductorio de programación de la Universidad Andres Bello.
Con el propósito de enfocarse en desarrollar el pensamiento computacional de
los estudiantes mediante la realización de ejercicios de programación basados
en el lenguaje de programación Python, se implementó un sistema para
recomendar ejercicios a los estudiantes basado en si ha realizado algún ejercicio
o no y un analizador de código para notificar al estudiante si cometió algún error
en el código o si está correcto. Con este, se busca que el estudiante pueda
realizar una variedad de ejercicios basados en las areas del pensamiento
computacional. La implementación se realizó mediante arquitecturas de
desarrollo web, utilizando tecnologías como React y Firebase. Por último, los
resultados, medidos tanto en la base de datos como en encuestas, evidencian
una correcta implementación de los objetivos del proyecto.
The project focuses on the development of a web application designed to support the introductory programming course at the Andres Bello University. With the purpose of focusing on developing the computational thinking of students by performing programming exercises based on the Python programming language, a system was implemented to recommend exercises to students based on whether they have performed an exercise or not and a code analyzer to notify the student if he made a mistake in the code or if it is correct. With this, it is intended that the student can perform a variety of exercises based on the areas of computational thinking. The implementation was done through web development architectures, using technologies such as React and Firebase. Finally, the results, measured both in the database and in surveys, show a correct implementation of the project objectives.
The project focuses on the development of a web application designed to support the introductory programming course at the Andres Bello University. With the purpose of focusing on developing the computational thinking of students by performing programming exercises based on the Python programming language, a system was implemented to recommend exercises to students based on whether they have performed an exercise or not and a code analyzer to notify the student if he made a mistake in the code or if it is correct. With this, it is intended that the student can perform a variety of exercises based on the areas of computational thinking. The implementation was done through web development architectures, using technologies such as React and Firebase. Finally, the results, measured both in the database and in surveys, show a correct implementation of the project objectives.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniero Civil Informático)
Palabras clave
Aplicaciones Web, Desarrollo, Pensamiento Computacional