Estudio Piloto: Efectos sobre el Sistema Osteomuscular del uso de silla ergonómica en la práctica odontológica
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Las lesiones musculo esqueléticas son uno de los principales problemas de
salud relacionados a la odontología, los cuales inciden en un gran porcentaje
de ausentismo laboral y un costo económico elevado para países e
El objetivo del presente estudio es, determinar la incidencia del uso de una
silla ergonómica, en relación a las molestias osteomusculares generadas
por procedimientos odontológicos, en un grupo de estudiantes de
Odontología de la Universidad Andrés Bello, sede Viña del Mar.
Se analizaron a seis estudiantes de Odontología de sexto año, de la
Universidad Andrés Bello.
A cada participante se le entrego una carpeta con un documento para
objetivar el disconfort de diferentes zonas del cuerpo, por medio de una
Escala Visual Análoga, la que debían completar al comienzo y al final del
turno, que debían realizar los estudiantes
llos resultados obtenidos se relacionaron a las hipótesis planteadas, donde
se logro objetivar que el uso de la silla Hag disminuía el disconfort presente
en las jornadas de trabajo, comparado al disconfort presente con la silla
Por lo tanto se puede concluir que existen cambios significativos frente al
uso de una silla ergonómica, lo que podría permitir disminuir la incidencia de
lesiones osteomusculares en estos profesionales
Musculoskeletal inJunes are one of the major health problems related to work, which affect a large percentage of absenteeism and a high economic cost to countries and institutions. The objective of this study is determine the impact of using an ergonomic chair, in relation to musculoskeletal discomfort generated by dental procedures in a group of dental students at the University Andres Bello, of Viña del Mar. We analazise six students of sixth year of Dentistry, of Universidad Andres Bello. Each participant was given a folder with a document to objectify the discomfort of different areas of the body, using a visual analog scale, which were completed at the beginning and end of shift The results were related to the hypotheses, which objectify achievement that the use of the chair Hag decreased the discomfort present in the working days, compared to the present discomfort with conventional chair Therefore it can be concluded that there are significant changes compared to the use of an ergonomic chair, which may allow reducing the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in these professionals
Musculoskeletal inJunes are one of the major health problems related to work, which affect a large percentage of absenteeism and a high economic cost to countries and institutions. The objective of this study is determine the impact of using an ergonomic chair, in relation to musculoskeletal discomfort generated by dental procedures in a group of dental students at the University Andres Bello, of Viña del Mar. We analazise six students of sixth year of Dentistry, of Universidad Andres Bello. Each participant was given a folder with a document to objectify the discomfort of different areas of the body, using a visual analog scale, which were completed at the beginning and end of shift The results were related to the hypotheses, which objectify achievement that the use of the chair Hag decreased the discomfort present in the working days, compared to the present discomfort with conventional chair Therefore it can be concluded that there are significant changes compared to the use of an ergonomic chair, which may allow reducing the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in these professionals
Tesis (Kinesiología)
Palabras clave
Enfermedades Profesionales, Postura Humana (Desórdenes), Ausentismo Laboral, Ergonomía, Puestos de Trabajo