Academia de fĂștbol femenino : Talento Femenino
Profesor/a GuĂa
TĂtulo de la revista
ISSN de la revista
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Universidad Andrés Bello
Nombre de Curso
Licencia CC
Licencia CC
En el siguiente proyecto se darĂĄ a conocer la prĂĄctica deportiva del fĂștbol
femenino en Chile, reportajes e investigaciones, encuestas hechas por el Censo y
el Instituto Nacional del Deporte (IND), con el fin de justificar el proyecto deportivo
Se indagĂł una investigaciĂłn de los diferentes documentos, tanto noticias,
encuestas e investigaciones hechas con anterioridad y por otros docentes.
AdemĂĄs, se hizo un estudio en el SIMCE acerca de la poblaciĂłn en las principales
comunas de la RegiĂłn Metropolitana.
Por lo tanto, se creĂł el proyecto deportivo âTalento Femeninoâ, que estĂĄ orientado
a fomentar el fĂștbol femenino a nivel nacional, entregĂĄndole a nuestras jugadoras
las herramientas necesarias para integrarlas en la competencia, tanto nacional
como internacional.
In the following project, the sports practice of women's football in Chile, articles and research, surveys conducted by the Census and the National Sports Institute (IND) will be show, in order to justify the sports project presented. An investigation of the different documents was investigated, both news, surveys and research done previously by other teachers. In addition, a study was made in the SIMCE about the population in the main comunas of the Metropolitan Region. As a result, the sports project âTalento Femeninoâ was created, which is aimed at promoting women's football at the national level, giving our players the necessary tools to integrate them into the competition, both nationally and internationally.
In the following project, the sports practice of women's football in Chile, articles and research, surveys conducted by the Census and the National Sports Institute (IND) will be show, in order to justify the sports project presented. An investigation of the different documents was investigated, both news, surveys and research done previously by other teachers. In addition, a study was made in the SIMCE about the population in the main comunas of the Metropolitan Region. As a result, the sports project âTalento Femeninoâ was created, which is aimed at promoting women's football at the national level, giving our players the necessary tools to integrate them into the competition, both nationally and internationally.
Tesis (MagĂster en GestiĂłn de la Actividad FĂsica y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
FĂștbol Femenino, Chile