Educación a distancia, un gran desafío
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta Investigación se enmarca en el Proceso Educativo a Distancia que se dio en la
debido a la Alerta sanitaria por Covid-19 y afectó a miles de niños y niñas a nivel
mundial. Su Objetivo General es Conocer la percepción de apoderados/as y docentes
de la Escuela “Palestina Palomares” de Concepción respecto al proceso educativo a
distancia implementado en el marco de la crisis sanitaria provocada por COVID-19.
Para determinar dicho objetivo se utilizó una metodología cualitativa con enfoque
fenomenográfico ya que se quiere rescatar lo vivenciado por docentes y apoderados/os
y su percepción respecto al nuevo proceso educativo o fenómeno. Para la recolección
de datos se utilizó la Entrevista Espontánea Categorial (EEC), lo cual permitió
recolectar las percepciones de los y las personas involucradas en esta investigación.
Dentro de las conclusiones se determinó que las clases virtuales permitieron tanto a los
y las estudiantes, como a los y las docentes poder compartir más en el ambiente
familiar, también se determinó que tanto docentes y estudiantes no estaban preparados
para la dinámica escolar virtual, por falta de equipos, falta de señal y falta de
capacitación por parte de los y las docentes para implementar desde el principio el
proceso de educación a distancia.
This Investigation was framed in the Distance Educational Process that occurred in due to the Health Alert for Covid-19 and affected thousands of children worldwide. Its General Objective is to know the perception of parents and teachers of the Palomares de Concepción Palestine School regarding the distance educational process implemented in the framework of the health crisis caused by COVID-19. To determine this objective, a qualitative methodology with a phenomenographic approach was used since it is intended to rescue what is experienced by teachers and parents and their perception regarding the new educational process or phenomenon. For data collection, the Categorial Spontaneous Interview (EEC) was used, which made it possible to collect the perceptions of the people involved in this research. Within the conclusions, it was determined that virtual classes allowed both students and teachers to share more in the family environment, it was also determined that both teachers and students were not prepared for virtual school dynamics, therefore lack of equipment, lack of signal and lack of training on the part of teachers to implement the distance education process from the beginning.
This Investigation was framed in the Distance Educational Process that occurred in due to the Health Alert for Covid-19 and affected thousands of children worldwide. Its General Objective is to know the perception of parents and teachers of the Palomares de Concepción Palestine School regarding the distance educational process implemented in the framework of the health crisis caused by COVID-19. To determine this objective, a qualitative methodology with a phenomenographic approach was used since it is intended to rescue what is experienced by teachers and parents and their perception regarding the new educational process or phenomenon. For data collection, the Categorial Spontaneous Interview (EEC) was used, which made it possible to collect the perceptions of the people involved in this research. Within the conclusions, it was determined that virtual classes allowed both students and teachers to share more in the family environment, it was also determined that both teachers and students were not prepared for virtual school dynamics, therefore lack of equipment, lack of signal and lack of training on the part of teachers to implement the distance education process from the beginning.
Tesis (Trabajador Social)
Palabras clave
Educación a Distancia, COVID-19 pandemia, 2020