Diseño de diagrama de disparo mediante control de vibraciones en Cantera el Litre, comuna de Yumbel, Región del Bío Bío
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El siguiente trabajo se encuentra ordenado en diferentes capítulos, comenzando
con los antecedentes de la mina “El Litre”, la cual se encuentra ubicada en la
comuna de Yumbel, región del Bío Bío, y explotada a través del método cantera,
obteniéndose material pétreo. Para su explotación es imperativo el empleo de
tronaduras, sin embargo, esta acción provoca efectos secundarios, tales como
las vibraciones. Estas vibraciones son estudiadas en el marco teórico del
proyecto, al igual que los explosivos, la perforación y la tronadura en sí.
La importancia de este proyecto es concretar un mejoramiento de la voladura a
través del diseño de un diagrama de disparo, teniendo en consideración el control
y monitoreo constante de las vibraciones, ya que permite conocer el
comportamiento de la operación, y adaptar sus parámetros según los
requerimientos propios de cada faena, tomando en cuenta las características del
El mejoramiento se logró a través del diseño de un diagrama óptimo en base al
comportamiento de las vibraciones, empleando el software 2D Bench simulando
diferentes mallas de tronaduras, adaptadas con diferentes disposición
geométricas y cargas de explosivo, estas vibraciones generadas fueron
analizadas en base a la norma alemana DIN 4150. La base de las mallas se
obtuvo a partir de un caso base y el cálculo basado en las fórmulas de los autores;
Lopez Jimeno, Ash y Langefors, lográndose la malla óptima para la cantera, con
un tamaño de fragmentación adecuado y vibraciones aceptables por la
This project is organized in different chapters, beginning with background information of “El Litre” mine, located in Yumbel, Bío Bío region. The mine is exploited through the method of quarrying from which stone material is obtained. Despite the fact that the use of blasting is imperative for the exploitation of the mine, this action causes side effects such as vibrations, which are studied in the theoretical framework of the project, as well as explosives, drilling and blasting. The importance of this project is to generate an improvement of the blasting process through the design of a shot diagram. This design takes into account constant control and monitoring of the vibrations since it not only provides information about the operation's behavior, but also allows its parameters to be adapted according to the requirements of each mining operation considering the characteristics of the sector. The improvement was achieved through the design of an optimal diagram based on the behavior of vibrations, simulating different blasting meshes adapted with different geometric arrangements and explosive charges using the 2D Bench software. Finally, the generated vibrations were analyzed based on the German Standard DIN 4150. The basis of the blasting meshes was obtained from a base case and the calculation based on the formulas created by the authors López Jimeno, Ash and Langefors. In this way, it was possible to achieve the optimal mesh for the quarry with an adequate fragmentation size and vibrations accepted by the regulations.
This project is organized in different chapters, beginning with background information of “El Litre” mine, located in Yumbel, Bío Bío region. The mine is exploited through the method of quarrying from which stone material is obtained. Despite the fact that the use of blasting is imperative for the exploitation of the mine, this action causes side effects such as vibrations, which are studied in the theoretical framework of the project, as well as explosives, drilling and blasting. The importance of this project is to generate an improvement of the blasting process through the design of a shot diagram. This design takes into account constant control and monitoring of the vibrations since it not only provides information about the operation's behavior, but also allows its parameters to be adapted according to the requirements of each mining operation considering the characteristics of the sector. The improvement was achieved through the design of an optimal diagram based on the behavior of vibrations, simulating different blasting meshes adapted with different geometric arrangements and explosive charges using the 2D Bench software. Finally, the generated vibrations were analyzed based on the German Standard DIN 4150. The basis of the blasting meshes was obtained from a base case and the calculation based on the formulas created by the authors López Jimeno, Ash and Langefors. In this way, it was possible to achieve the optimal mesh for the quarry with an adequate fragmentation size and vibrations accepted by the regulations.
Memoria (Ingeniero Civil en Minas)
Palabras clave
Vibraciones, Voladuras, Industria Minera, Chile, Yumbel