Análisis ético del uso de los chatbots basados en la IA y su incursión en la toma de decisiones en la contemporaneidad
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El presente documento, de carácter reflexivo, muestra el auge vertiginoso de los avances tecnológicos y la manera como se involucran en los diversos campos del desarrollo humano; tales como en la ciencia, la economía, la educación, el entretenimiento, entre otros. La IA (Inteligencia Artificial) es importante en el mundo actual dado que está transformando diversos aspectos de la vida cotidiana de las personas. En este contexto, el presente documento tiene como objetivo principal evidenciar la manera como los chatbots (conjugación de las palabras Chaty y Robot) incursionan en la toma de decisiones en las generaciones actuales, desde un enfoque cualitativo. La relevancia de este estudio se da por las implicaciones éticas, teniendo en cuenta la normativa, así como las ventajas y limitaciones del uso de esta tecnología. Además, se visualiza el manejo cada vez más masivo, y por consiguiente, la multiplicidad de temas tratados, la relevancia de estas herramientas en la cotidianidad de las personas, la diversidad de usuarios que surgen en diferentes contextos y los riesgos a nivel de confiabilidad de la información, el trato que se da a los datos personal, y en sí, la toma de decisiones por parte de los desarrolladores y de los mismos usuarios.
This document, of a reflective nature, shows the dizzying rise of technological advances and the way in which they are involved in the various fields of human development; such as science, economics, education, entertainment, among others. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is important in today’s world since it is transforming various aspects of people’s daily lives. In this context, the main objective of this document is to demonstrate the way in which chatbots (conjugation of the words Chaty and Robot) enter decision making in current generations, from a qualitative approach. The relevance of this study is given by the ethical implications, taking into account the regulations, as well as the advantages and limitations of the use of this technology. Furthermore, the increasingly massive management is visualized, and consequently, the multiplicity of topics discussed, the relevance of these tools in people’s daily lives, the diversity of users that arise in different contexts and the risks at the level of reliability of the information, the treatment given to personal data, and itself, the decision-making by the developers and the users themselves.
This document, of a reflective nature, shows the dizzying rise of technological advances and the way in which they are involved in the various fields of human development; such as science, economics, education, entertainment, among others. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is important in today’s world since it is transforming various aspects of people’s daily lives. In this context, the main objective of this document is to demonstrate the way in which chatbots (conjugation of the words Chaty and Robot) enter decision making in current generations, from a qualitative approach. The relevance of this study is given by the ethical implications, taking into account the regulations, as well as the advantages and limitations of the use of this technology. Furthermore, the increasingly massive management is visualized, and consequently, the multiplicity of topics discussed, the relevance of these tools in people’s daily lives, the diversity of users that arise in different contexts and the risks at the level of reliability of the information, the treatment given to personal data, and itself, the decision-making by the developers and the users themselves.
Indexación: Revista UNAB.
Palabras clave
Inteligencia Artificial, Chatbots, Procesamiento de lenguaje natural, La ética, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Natural language processing, Ethics
PEM. Revista de Didáctica, Evaluación e Innovación N°5: 20–30