Análisis abiótico, hormonal y patológico de la fisiología reproductiva de Fissurella Cumingi (Reeve, 1849) para la definición de innovaciones tecnológicas productivas
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El análisis del ciclo reproductivo de la población natural de Fissurella
cumingi extraída en Caleta Quintay (33° 13' S, 71° 38' O) entre octubre de 1999 y
enero de 2001, presentó una evolución diferencial, segregándola en una primera etapa
de alta actividad con dos desoves importantes, y una segunda de baja actividad
reproductiva, hechos que se ven fuertemente influenciados por factores abióticos
como temperatura, fotoperiodo y ciclo de marea. La identificación de factores esteroidales como progesterona, 17ß estradiol y
testosterona en la hemolinfa de F. cumingi y su fluctuación de acuerdo al desarrollo
del estado reproductivo, señalan una regulación endocrina de este tipo de procesos
donde la mayor presencia de 17ß- estradiol y testosterona se ve asociada a periodos
de vitelogénesis y recrudescencia gonadal reflejados en el incremento del IGS y
progesterona a eventos de desove o menor actividad reproductiva manifestadas por
valores menores del IGS. El seguimiento estacional del índice hepatosomático (IHS) y la concentración
de proteínas en la hemolinfa de F. cumingi, sugieren una relación de tipo
vitelogénica, lo que se ve correspondido por el desarrollo gonadal. Sin embargo, estas
variables no guardan una clara relación durante el periodo de reposo reproductivo
(etapa II ), situación posiblemente dada por la alta carga parasitaria que esta especie
presenta. Adicionalmente, a partir de los estudios morfobiométricos se logra definir un
índice de condición (IC), de fácil implementación y una herramienta útil de manejo
productivo para el cultivo de fisurélidos.
The analysis of the reproductive cycle of the natural population of Fissurella cumingi extracted in Caleta Quintay (33° 13' S, 71 o 38' O) from October 1999 to January 2000, had a different development, segregating it in a first period of high activity, with two principie spawning period anda second one of low reproductive activity, that were strongly influenced by factors such as temperature, photoperiod and tides cycle. The identification of steroids factors as progesterone, 17ß stradiol and testosterone in F. cumingi' s hemolymph and its fluctuations with the reproductive state shows an endocrine regulation of this kind of process, where the highest presence of estradiol- 17ß and testosterone is associated to vitellogenesis period and gonadal recrudescence, reflected on the IGS increment and progesterone to spawning event and low reproductive activity, showed by less values on the IGS. The stational monitoring of the hepatosomatic index (IHS) and the protein concentration in the F. cumingi' s hemolymph suggest a vitellogenic relationship, which one is corresponded with the gonadal development. Although those variations does t present association during the low reproduction period, that could be due to the high parasitic charge that this specie present. On the other hand, morphobiometric studies allowed the definition of a condition index (IC) of easy implementation that represents a useful tool for handling the production of fisurelids in culture.~
The analysis of the reproductive cycle of the natural population of Fissurella cumingi extracted in Caleta Quintay (33° 13' S, 71 o 38' O) from October 1999 to January 2000, had a different development, segregating it in a first period of high activity, with two principie spawning period anda second one of low reproductive activity, that were strongly influenced by factors such as temperature, photoperiod and tides cycle. The identification of steroids factors as progesterone, 17ß stradiol and testosterone in F. cumingi' s hemolymph and its fluctuations with the reproductive state shows an endocrine regulation of this kind of process, where the highest presence of estradiol- 17ß and testosterone is associated to vitellogenesis period and gonadal recrudescence, reflected on the IGS increment and progesterone to spawning event and low reproductive activity, showed by less values on the IGS. The stational monitoring of the hepatosomatic index (IHS) and the protein concentration in the F. cumingi' s hemolymph suggest a vitellogenic relationship, which one is corresponded with the gonadal development. Although those variations does t present association during the low reproduction period, that could be due to the high parasitic charge that this specie present. On the other hand, morphobiometric studies allowed the definition of a condition index (IC) of easy implementation that represents a useful tool for handling the production of fisurelids in culture.~
Tesis (Ingeniero en Acuicultura)
Palabras clave
Fussurella Cumingi, Reproducción, Producción, Tecnologías