Kappa distribution from particle correlations in nonequilibrium, steady-state plasmas

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Kappa-distributed velocities in plasmas are common in a wide variety of settings, from low-density to high-density plasmas. To date, they have been found mainly in space plasmas, but are recently being considered also in the modeling of laboratory plasmas. Despite being routinely employed, the origin of the kappa distribution remains, to this day, unclear. For instance, deviations from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are sometimes regarded as a signature of the nonadditivity of the thermodynamic entropy, although there are alternative frameworks such as superstatistics where such an assumption is not needed. In this work we recover the kappa distribution for particle velocities from the formalism of nonequilibrium steady-states, assuming only a single requirement on the dependence between the kinetic energy of a test particle and that of its immediate environment. Our results go beyond the standard derivation based on superstatistics, as we do not require any assumption about the existence of temperature or its statistical distribution, instead obtaining them from the requirement on kinetic energies. All of this suggests that this family of distributions may be more common than usually assumed, widening its domain of application in particular to the description of plasmas from fusion experiments. Furthermore, we show that a description of kappa-distributed plasma is simpler in terms of features of the superstatistical inverse temperature distribution rather than the traditional parameters κ and the thermal velocity vth.
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Boltzmann equation, Kinetics, Distributed velocity, High density plasmas, Kappa distribution, Lower density, Non-equilibrium steady state, Non-onequilibrium steady state, Particle correlations, Space plasmas, Steady-state plasmas, Superstatistics, article, controlled study, entropy, kinetics, plasma, statistical distribution, steady state, temperature, thermodynamics, velocity, Kinetic energy
Physical Review E Volume 108, Issue 6 December 2023 Article number 065207
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