Comparación de la confiabilidad de la evaluación postural con la confiabilidad del método de Stagnara para deformidades de columna vertebral en el plano sagital
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Dada la importancia para la condición de salud de las personas, el prevenir
complicaciones oportunamente ocasionadas por una mala postura, que llevan a
deformidades de columna vertebral en los diferentes planos, se propone investigar sobre un
sistema de evaluación que permita pesquisar a tiempo alteraciones de columna vertebral en
el plano sagital, como lo es el Método de Stagnara, el que entrega valores cuantificables de
deformidad, con una alta coincidencia con la medición radiográfica y compararlo con el
método tradicionalmente usado por los kinesiólogos la Evaluación Postura! acotada a la
columna vertebral en el plano sagital.
Para ello se utilizó una muestra de 40 estudiantes entre 18 - 24 años de edad, sin
antecedentes traumáticos previos. Los cuales fueron evaluados por el Método de Stagnara y
la Evaluación Postural en el plano sagital (con días de desfases para no recordar datos
entregados). Los evaluadores fueron cuatro kinesiólogos, dos alumnas tesistas de la carrera
de kinesiología. Además existió un supervisor para guiar el estudio.
En este estudio se logró concluir que el Método de Stagnara usado para medir
desviaciones de columna vertebral en el plano sagital tiene mayor confiabilidad en relación
a la Evaluación Postura!. Se concluye además que el Método de Stagnara tiene mayor
validez lo que quedó demostrado con el análisis radiográfico mediante el Método de Cobb.
Given the importan.ce of health conditi.ons of people, preventing complicati.ons ti.mely caused by bad posture that can lead to deformities of the spine in different planes. we intend to investigate about an evaluation system that allows the identify on time changes of the colwnn vertebral at a sagittal plane1 as is the method Stagnara on delivering quantifiable value of deformity, with a high coincidence on the radiographic measurements and compared with the method traditionally used by physical therapists Postural Assessment bounded to the column vertebral at a sagittal plane. For this research we used a sample of 40 students between 18 to 24 years of age, without previous history of trauma. They were evaluated by the method Stagnara and Postural Assessment ( with days of difference so they would not remember the data submitted). The evaluators were four physical therapists, two thesis students in the career of kinesiology. In addition there was a supervisor to guide the study. According to this research we concluded that the Stagnara method used to measure deviations in the spine on the sagittal plane has higher reliability compared to the Postural Assessment. We also concluded that the Stagnara method has a greater validity Stagnara as demonstrated by radiographic analysis using the Cobb method.
Given the importan.ce of health conditi.ons of people, preventing complicati.ons ti.mely caused by bad posture that can lead to deformities of the spine in different planes. we intend to investigate about an evaluation system that allows the identify on time changes of the colwnn vertebral at a sagittal plane1 as is the method Stagnara on delivering quantifiable value of deformity, with a high coincidence on the radiographic measurements and compared with the method traditionally used by physical therapists Postural Assessment bounded to the column vertebral at a sagittal plane. For this research we used a sample of 40 students between 18 to 24 years of age, without previous history of trauma. They were evaluated by the method Stagnara and Postural Assessment ( with days of difference so they would not remember the data submitted). The evaluators were four physical therapists, two thesis students in the career of kinesiology. In addition there was a supervisor to guide the study. According to this research we concluded that the Stagnara method used to measure deviations in the spine on the sagittal plane has higher reliability compared to the Postural Assessment. We also concluded that the Stagnara method has a greater validity Stagnara as demonstrated by radiographic analysis using the Cobb method.
Tesis (Kinesiólogo)
Palabras clave
Enfermedades de la Columna Vertebral, Columna Vertebral Anomalías, Postura Humana