Biocatalizador para la maduraciĆ³n temprana de acuarios de agua dulce
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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En la actualidad el problema central en la acuariofilia radica en que la nitrificaciĆ³n del
acuario no tiene una duraciĆ³n fija, variando segĆŗn las caracterĆsticas propias del acuario,
tardando aproximadamente un mes en acuarios de agua dulce. Dicho tiempo se busca
reducir con este emprendimiento, esto debido principalmente a que los productos
acelerantes de la nitrificaciĆ³n solo se basan en el volumen del acuario, sin considerar su
flora, fauna y los desechos que estos generan. El mercado mundial de la acuariofilia se
encuentra en expansiĆ³n, entre el 2001 y 2016 el crecimiento de las exportaciones
internacionales de los peces ornamentales fue de un 84.8%. Por lo que el objetivo del
proyecto en desarrollo es probar la efectividad de un consorcio microbiano para la
remociĆ³n de compuestos nitrogenados en medios artificiales que emulan medios de
acuario de agua dulce. Para esto se planteĆ³ una metodologĆa que consistiĆ³ en
experimentos, para analizar la remociĆ³n de contaminantes nitrogenados, en medios de
cultivos con Nitrosomonas y Nitrobacter, microalgas, Chlorella vulgaris mĆ³vil e
inmovilizada en hidrogel y sus condiciones ideales, para generar un consorcio microbiano
que sea capaz de mejorar, optimizar el proceso de nitrificaciĆ³n en acuarios, dejĆ”ndose
crecer las muestras y realizƔndole mediciones diarias de los parƔmetros claves para
determinar la efectividad en la nitrificaciĆ³n del sistema. Los resultados obtenidos no son
categĆ³ricos porque si bien en el primer experimento se puede observar indicios del
proceso de nitrificaciĆ³n, el cual no pudo ser ratificado con el segundo experimento, ya
que la concentraciĆ³n de amoniaco como nitrito no llegaron a concentraciĆ³n 0, la cual era
la Ć³ptima y esperada. Aunque los resultados no garantizan la nitrificaciĆ³n, no siendo los
esperados, estos podrĆan deberse a diferentes factores que varĆan desde la posibilidad
que el biocatalizador se inhibiera por la alimentaciĆ³n excesiva de contaminantes,
provocando una nitrificaciĆ³n incompleta, error humano e instrumentos de mediciĆ³n poco
sensibles como los colorĆmetros. Finalmente, este emprendimiento busca presentar una
mejora en el proceso de nitrificaciĆ³n en acuarios de agua dulce, disminuyendo los
tiempos y presentando un consorcio adaptable a las necesidades de cada acuario.
At present, the main problem in the aquarium hobby industry is that the nitrification of the aquarium does not have a specific duration, varying according to the characteristics of the aquarium, taking approximately 1 month in freshwater aquariums. Time that wants to be reduced with this entrepreneurship, this is mainly due to the fact that the accelerating products of nitrification are only based on the volume of the aquarium, without considering its flora, fauna and the waste that they generate. The aquarium's international market is expanding, between 2001 and 2016 the growth of international exports of ornamental fish was 84.8%. For this reason, the objective of the project under development is to test the effectiveness of a microbial consortium for the removal of nitrogenous compounds in artificial media that emulate freshwater aquarium media. For this, the methodology proposed consisted of experiments, to analyze the removal of nitrogenous contaminants, in culture media with Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, microalgae, mobile and immobilized Chlorella vulgaris in hydrogel and their ideal conditions, to generate a microbial consortium that is capable of to improve and optimize the nitrification process in aquariums, letting the samples grow and making daily measurements of the key parameters to determine the effectiveness of the system's nitrification. The results obtained are not categorical because although in the first experiment signs of the nitrification process can be observed, it could not be ratified with the second experiment, since the concentration of ammonia as nitrite did not reach 0 concentration, which was optimal and expected. Although the results do not guarantee nitrification, not being what was expected, they could be due to different factors that vary from the possibility that the biocatalyst was inhibited by excessive feeding of contaminants, causing incomplete nitrification, human error, and insensitive measuring instruments such as the colorimeters. Finally, this venture seeks to present an improvement in the nitrification process in freshwater aquariums, reducing times and presenting a consortium adaptable to the needs of each aquarium.
At present, the main problem in the aquarium hobby industry is that the nitrification of the aquarium does not have a specific duration, varying according to the characteristics of the aquarium, taking approximately 1 month in freshwater aquariums. Time that wants to be reduced with this entrepreneurship, this is mainly due to the fact that the accelerating products of nitrification are only based on the volume of the aquarium, without considering its flora, fauna and the waste that they generate. The aquarium's international market is expanding, between 2001 and 2016 the growth of international exports of ornamental fish was 84.8%. For this reason, the objective of the project under development is to test the effectiveness of a microbial consortium for the removal of nitrogenous compounds in artificial media that emulate freshwater aquarium media. For this, the methodology proposed consisted of experiments, to analyze the removal of nitrogenous contaminants, in culture media with Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, microalgae, mobile and immobilized Chlorella vulgaris in hydrogel and their ideal conditions, to generate a microbial consortium that is capable of to improve and optimize the nitrification process in aquariums, letting the samples grow and making daily measurements of the key parameters to determine the effectiveness of the system's nitrification. The results obtained are not categorical because although in the first experiment signs of the nitrification process can be observed, it could not be ratified with the second experiment, since the concentration of ammonia as nitrite did not reach 0 concentration, which was optimal and expected. Although the results do not guarantee nitrification, not being what was expected, they could be due to different factors that vary from the possibility that the biocatalyst was inhibited by excessive feeding of contaminants, causing incomplete nitrification, human error, and insensitive measuring instruments such as the colorimeters. Finally, this venture seeks to present an improvement in the nitrification process in freshwater aquariums, reducing times and presenting a consortium adaptable to the needs of each aquarium.
Tesis (Ingeniero en BiotecnologĆa)
Palabras clave
Acuarios, NitrificaciĆ³n, BiocatĆ”lisis