The oxygen abundance gradients in the gas discs of galaxies in the EAGLE simulation

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Oxford University Press
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We use the EAGLE simulations to study the oxygen abundance gradients of gas discs in galaxies within the stellar mass range [109.5, 1010.8] ∼M at z = 0. The estimated median oxygen gradient is -0.011 ± 0.002 dex kpc-1, which is shallower than observed. No clear trend between simulated disc oxygen gradient and galaxy stellar mass is found when all galaxies are considered. However, the oxygen gradient shows a clear correlation with gas disc size so that shallower abundance slopes are found for increasing gas disc sizes. Positive oxygen gradients are detected for ∼40 per cent of the analysed gas discs, with a slight higher frequency in low-mass galaxies. Galaxies that have quiet merger histories show a positive correlation between oxygen gradient and stellar mass, so that more massive galaxies tend to have shallowermetallicity gradients. At high stellarmass, there is a larger fraction of rotationaldominated galaxies in low-density regions. At low stellar mass, non-merger galaxies show a large variety of oxygen gradients and morphologies. The normalization of the disc oxygen gradients in non-merger galaxies by the effective radius removes the trend with stellar mass. Conversely, galaxies that experienced mergers show a weak relation between oxygen gradient and stellar mass. Additionally, the analysed EAGLE discs show no clear dependence of the oxygen gradients on local environment, in agreement with current observational findings.
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Palabras clave
dark matter, galaxies: Abundances, galaxies: Evolution
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 482, Issue 2, Pages 2208 - 222 1January 2019
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