AlbaƱileria de mortero celular mediante aditivos espumantes
Profesor/a GuĆa
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Esta memoria contiene los aspectos mƔs relevantes de la
construcciĆ³n con bloques de mortero celular. Desde el mĆ©todo
de fabricaciĆ³n hasta informaciĆ³n tĆ©cnica necesaria para su
utilizaciĆ³n en construcciĆ³n . Describiendo, para esto , sus
caracterĆsticas mĆ”s importantes y comparĆ”ndolas con distintos
materiales utilizados en la albaƱilerĆa tradicional , tales
como ladrillos cerƔmicos y bloques de cemento .
Dichos materiales se compararon en la parte fĆsica ,
quĆmica y se mostraron los diferentes procesos constructivos ,
probando de esta manera que la construcciĆ³n por medio de
bloques de mortero celular puede ser mĆ”s eficiente , econĆ³mica
y en algunos aspectos de mejor calidad.
This investigation includes the most outstanding aspects of the construction building wi th masonry cell ular blocks. From the method of manufacture or production till the technical information needed for its utilization in construction industry. Describing for this its most important characteristics and comparing them with different building material used in traditional masonry, such as ceramics bricks and concrete blocks. These building materials had been compared in physics and chemical aspects and i t had been shown the different construction building process. Proving by this way that construction with masonry cellular blocks could be more efficient and economical and in sorne aspects even of more quality.
This investigation includes the most outstanding aspects of the construction building wi th masonry cell ular blocks. From the method of manufacture or production till the technical information needed for its utilization in construction industry. Describing for this its most important characteristics and comparing them with different building material used in traditional masonry, such as ceramics bricks and concrete blocks. These building materials had been compared in physics and chemical aspects and i t had been shown the different construction building process. Proving by this way that construction with masonry cellular blocks could be more efficient and economical and in sorne aspects even of more quality.
Tesis (Constructor Civil)
Palabras clave