Estudio sobre el desarrollo de procesos administrativos en el funcionamiento de clubes deportivos de la disciplina de patinaje artístico en la Región Metropolitana
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Se entiende como administración deportiva la función que cumplen
las personas encargadas de dirigir una organización deportiva para
alcanzar sus objetivos, éstas, al igual que los mismos deportistas, tienen
diferentes niveles de rendimiento y dedicación para lograr el éxito. Estos
niveles respectivos dependen de la fuerza y el poder que tienen las
unidades administrativas responsables de la organización de los clubes
deportivos. Quien desempeña estas actividades que son
fundamentales para el buen funcionamiento del club es el encargado.
De acuerdo con esto, el presente documento tiene como finalidad
conocer si los encargados de los clubes de patinaje artístico de la región
metropolitana utilizan procedimientos eficaces en su administración. La
muestra de tipo probabilística no estatificada está compuesto por siete
clubes de patinaje artístico de los cuales fueron entrevistados los
encargados de cada club. El diseño corresponde a uno no experimental
transeccional descriptivo y el tipo de estudio es de carácter descriptivo
con un enfoque cuantitativo. Además se llevó a cabo un cuestionario
validado por dos expertos en el área, el cual está compuesto por cuatro
ejes; datos de identificación general, datos de identificación del
encargado responsable del club, datos relacionados a los
entrenamientos y datos relacionados con los procesos administrativos.
Sports management is understood as the function of people in charge of managing a sports organization to achieve their goals, these, like the athletes themselves, have different levels of performance and dedication to achieve success. These levels depend on the strength and power of the administrative units responsible for the organization of sports clubs. The person in charge is who performs these activities that are essential for the proper functioning of the club. According to this, the purpose of this document is to know if the managers of the figure skating clubs of the metropolitan region use effective procedures in their administration. The sample consists of seven figure skating clubs of which the managers of each club were interviewed. The design corresponds to a non-experimental descriptive transectional one and the type of study is descriptive with a qualitative approach. In addition, a survey was carried out validated by two experts in the area, which consists of four data axes; general identification, characteristics of the person in charge of the club, training structure and administrative processes.
Sports management is understood as the function of people in charge of managing a sports organization to achieve their goals, these, like the athletes themselves, have different levels of performance and dedication to achieve success. These levels depend on the strength and power of the administrative units responsible for the organization of sports clubs. The person in charge is who performs these activities that are essential for the proper functioning of the club. According to this, the purpose of this document is to know if the managers of the figure skating clubs of the metropolitan region use effective procedures in their administration. The sample consists of seven figure skating clubs of which the managers of each club were interviewed. The design corresponds to a non-experimental descriptive transectional one and the type of study is descriptive with a qualitative approach. In addition, a survey was carried out validated by two experts in the area, which consists of four data axes; general identification, characteristics of the person in charge of the club, training structure and administrative processes.
Tesis (Magíster en Gestión de la Actividad Física y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Clubes Deportivos, Administración, Patinaje Artístico, Chile, Región Metropolitana