Odontopediatría, como una opción viable y efectiva en la potencialización de una correcta salud bucal
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Estudio descriptivo transversal, cuyo objetivo fue estimar la eficiencia e integración de
la educación oral enseñada por alumnos a pacientes atendidos en la Clínica de Odontopediatría de
la Universidad Andrés Bello, sede Concepción. El estudio considero 80 cuidadores de niños a
quienes se les aplico un cuestionario de autoreporte basado en la pauta del Programa de Control
con Enfoque de Riesgo Odontológico y las tablas de crecimiento proporcionadas por el Ministerio
de Salud, siendo la descripción de los datos realizada a través de la frecuencia acumulada, relativa
y absoluta porcentual. El estudio reportó un aumento sobre la frecuencia, tiempo, movimientos,
uso de hilo dental y limpieza de lengua. Así se aprecia una disminución entre un 25 – 31% en
signos y síntomas de inflamación gingival. En conclusión, las técnicas y metodologías de higiene
oral enseñadas por alumnos de Odontología parecen ser efectivas y eficientes, conllevando una
buena adhesión del tratamiento a largo plazo.
Cross-sectional descriptive study, whose objective was to estimate the efficiency and integration of oral education taught by students to patients treated at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Andrés Bello University, Concepción campus. The study considered 80 caregivers of children to whom a self-report questionnaire was applied based on the guidelines of the Control Program with a Dental Risk Approach and the growth tables provided by the Ministry of Health, with the description of the data carried out through of the cumulative, relative and absolute percentage frequency. The study reported an increase in frequency, time, movements, flossing and tongue cleaning. Thus, a decrease between 25 – 31% in signs and symptoms of gingival inflammation is seen. In conclusion, the oral hygiene techniques and methodologies taught by Dentistry students seem to be effective and efficient, leading to good long-term treatment adherence.
Cross-sectional descriptive study, whose objective was to estimate the efficiency and integration of oral education taught by students to patients treated at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Andrés Bello University, Concepción campus. The study considered 80 caregivers of children to whom a self-report questionnaire was applied based on the guidelines of the Control Program with a Dental Risk Approach and the growth tables provided by the Ministry of Health, with the description of the data carried out through of the cumulative, relative and absolute percentage frequency. The study reported an increase in frequency, time, movements, flossing and tongue cleaning. Thus, a decrease between 25 – 31% in signs and symptoms of gingival inflammation is seen. In conclusion, the oral hygiene techniques and methodologies taught by Dentistry students seem to be effective and efficient, leading to good long-term treatment adherence.
Proyecto de título (Cirujano Dentista)
Palabras clave
Odontología Pediátrica, Salud Bucal