El proceso de motivaciĆ³n escolar desde una perspectiva de aprendizaje desarrollador como factor clave para la formaciĆ³n integral del estudiante
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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El presente informe investigativo de carĆ”cter cualitativo, identificĆ³ que la motivaciĆ³n
en el contexto escolar no es valorada respecto a su impacto en el proceso de
aprendizaje y desarrollo del estudiante. Es por ello, que se determinĆ³ pertinente la
realizaciĆ³n de un artĆculo que valore y determine la importancia del proceso de
motivaciĆ³n en el contexto escolar. Para ello se describiĆ³ y explicĆ³ a la motivaciĆ³n,
como un proceso de construcciĆ³n de significados y de direcciĆ³n del pensamiento y
comportamiento, y tuvo por objetivo la propuesta de estrategias metodolĆ³gicas que
contribuyeron al desarrollo de la motivaciĆ³n desde una perspectiva de aprendizaje
desarrollador como factor clave para la formaciĆ³n integral del ser humano. Se
definieron y diferenciaron conceptos como estimulaciĆ³n, motivaciĆ³n intrĆnseca y
extrĆnseca. Se considerĆ³, la existencia de una correlaciĆ³n entre motivaciĆ³n escolar y
su impacto en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, concluyendo que la
motivaciĆ³n constituye la esencia del proceso de apropiaciĆ³n cultural.
The following qualitative investigative report describe and explain the motivation as a process of meanings construction, and as a direction process of behavior and thought. The objective of the report is the suggestion of methodological strategies to contribute the motivation development from a perspective of developer learning, it as key factor to the comprehensive human been training. The report considered an interrelationship existence between schoolchild motivation and their impact in the students learning process; it concluded that the motivation constitutes the essence of cultural appropriation process.
The following qualitative investigative report describe and explain the motivation as a process of meanings construction, and as a direction process of behavior and thought. The objective of the report is the suggestion of methodological strategies to contribute the motivation development from a perspective of developer learning, it as key factor to the comprehensive human been training. The report considered an interrelationship existence between schoolchild motivation and their impact in the students learning process; it concluded that the motivation constitutes the essence of cultural appropriation process.
Informe de InvestigaciĆ³n (MagĆster en GestiĆ³n PedagĆ³gica y Curricular)
Palabras clave
MotivaciĆ³n en la EducaciĆ³n