Después del 11, antes de “los diez". El sindicalismo DC y el primer año de la dictadura en Chile. 1973-1975
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A partir del estudio de documentos inéditos del Partido Demócrata Cristiano, se analizan las prácticas políticas de sus principales dirigentes y activistas sindicales, entre 1973 y 1974, específicamente entre el final del gobierno de Allende y la Unidad Popular, y durante el primer año de la dictadura en Chile. Se propone que este grupo de sindicalistas DC, junto a otros dirigentes afines a la Junta Militar, intentaron convertirse en un referente gremial independiente, ante la dictadura y ante las bases de trabajadores, buscando ocupar el vacío dejado por la supresión de la CUT y la izquierda obrera, y aumentar su incidencia ante el Estado. Esto lo hizo principalmente mediante dos maniobras: el intento de construir una nueva central sindical, y el apoyo a la Junta Militar en la reunión anual de la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), en Ginebra. De esta forma, el sindicalismo DC, antes de pasar a la oposición a la dictadura, intentó colaborar y diálogar con la ella, lo que resultó infructuoso.
From the study of unpublished documents of the Christian Democratic Party, the political practices of its main union leaders and activists are analyzed, between 1973 and 1974, specifically between the end of Allende’s government and the Popular Unity, and during the first year of the Dictatorship in Chile. It is proposed that this group of DC trade unionists, together with other leaders sympathetic to the Military Junta, tried to become an independent trade union referent, with respect to the Dictatorship and also respect to the rank and file workers, seeking to fill the vacuum left by the suppression of the CUT and the workers’ left, and to increase their influence with respect to the State. This was done mainly through two maneuvers: the attempt to build a new trade union center, and support for the military junta at the annual meeting of the International Labor Office in Geneva. In this way, the DC trade unionism, before moving to the opposition to the dictatorship, tried a way of collaboration and dialogue with it, which was unsuccessful.
From the study of unpublished documents of the Christian Democratic Party, the political practices of its main union leaders and activists are analyzed, between 1973 and 1974, specifically between the end of Allende’s government and the Popular Unity, and during the first year of the Dictatorship in Chile. It is proposed that this group of DC trade unionists, together with other leaders sympathetic to the Military Junta, tried to become an independent trade union referent, with respect to the Dictatorship and also respect to the rank and file workers, seeking to fill the vacuum left by the suppression of the CUT and the workers’ left, and to increase their influence with respect to the State. This was done mainly through two maneuvers: the attempt to build a new trade union center, and support for the military junta at the annual meeting of the International Labor Office in Geneva. In this way, the DC trade unionism, before moving to the opposition to the dictatorship, tried a way of collaboration and dialogue with it, which was unsuccessful.
Indexación: Revista UNAB.
Palabras clave
Sindicalismo, Dictadura, Democracia Cristiana, OIT, Trade-unionism, Dictatorship, Christian Democratic Party, ILO
Revista de Humanidades Nº51 (enero-junio) : 547-581