Análisis del costo de la no calidad en la empresa constructora
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El costo de la no calidad hace referencia al desembolso producido por la
existencia de patologías en la vivienda, y que se pueden subdividir en costos de la no
calidad controlables y resultantes, dependiendo de la instancia en que la desviación de
la calidad aparezca, ya sea dentro de los procesos de diseño y construcción del
proyecto, como reclamos de carácter postventa respectivamente.
La aparición de estas desviaciones, denotan lo lamentable que resulta el no
reconocerlos, puesto a que si no se evalúan, no se pueden tomar las medidas paliativas
necesarias para evitar la reiteración de los errores, proyecto tras proyecto, y que hace
aún más necesaria la instauración de un sistema de control de costos de la no calidad,
bajo el alero que entrega una gestión, o bien un sistema de calidad de la empresa,
siendo la segunda más rigurosa que la primera.
Al hacer la comparación entre los tipos de desviaciones en la calidad del bien
raíz, entre aquellos confeccionados bajo la denominación de viviendas sociales, como
las de carácter privado, representados mediante el análisis del acontecer de una
"empresa modelo", con más de cincuenta años en el rubro de la construcción, se pude
determinar que la compra de insumos con un mal estándar de calidad en los primeros
marcan la diferencia en el grado de habitabilidad de la vivienda, y por tanto de errores
presentes en su funcionalidad.
The cost of "non-quality" refers to the disbursement produced by the existence of pathologies in housing, which can be subdivided into costs of "non-quality" Controlables and Resulting depending on the venue in which the diversion of quality appear, either in the process of design and construction of the project, as claims character after sales respectively. The emergence of these deviations mean what it is regrettable that the failure to recognize them as to if they are not assessed, you can not take any remedial measures necessary to prevent the recurrence of the errors, project after project, and that makes it even more necessary setting up a system for controlling costs of "non-quality" under the eaves that delivers management, or a system of quality of the company, the second being more rigorous than the first. In making the comparison between the types of deviations in quality real estate, among those made under the name of social housing, such as those of a private nature, represented by analyzing the events of a "business model", with more than fifty years in the area of construction, you can determine that the purchase of inputs and poor quality standard in the first make a difference in the degree of habitability of housing, and thus errors in its functionality.
The cost of "non-quality" refers to the disbursement produced by the existence of pathologies in housing, which can be subdivided into costs of "non-quality" Controlables and Resulting depending on the venue in which the diversion of quality appear, either in the process of design and construction of the project, as claims character after sales respectively. The emergence of these deviations mean what it is regrettable that the failure to recognize them as to if they are not assessed, you can not take any remedial measures necessary to prevent the recurrence of the errors, project after project, and that makes it even more necessary setting up a system for controlling costs of "non-quality" under the eaves that delivers management, or a system of quality of the company, the second being more rigorous than the first. In making the comparison between the types of deviations in quality real estate, among those made under the name of social housing, such as those of a private nature, represented by analyzing the events of a "business model", with more than fifty years in the area of construction, you can determine that the purchase of inputs and poor quality standard in the first make a difference in the degree of habitability of housing, and thus errors in its functionality.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Industria de la Construcción, Control de Calidad