Caracterización del ámbito de hogar y dieta en juveniles de la tortuga Carey, eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766), durante una temporada no reproductiva, en Punta Coyote, Península Nicoya, Costa Rica
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Comprender como es el uso espacial por parte de los animales marinos es crucial para el desarrollo de estrategias de manejo de los ecosistemas marinos, tanto para amenazas indirectas como el cambio climático, así como más directas de origen antrópico; cobrando relevancia el conocimiento de los factores que inducen el patrón de uso del hábitat y la obtención del alimento. En las tortugas marinas hacen falta datos clave sobre la biología, ecología y situación poblacional, así como su interacción con los humanos y las amenazas, en especial los hábitat de alimentación y aguas neríticas, los cuales son imperativos obtener para mejorar los esfuerzos de conservación, monitoreo y manejo de poblaciones de juveniles de una manera más local. En el caso de la tortuga Carey Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766), son escasos estos estudios debido a su baja densidad poblacional. Esta es una especie clave dentro del ecosistema marino y actualmente en peligro crítico de extinción, con una pérdida del 75.5% de sus poblaciones del Océano Pacífico, por lo que se les considera como una de las poblaciones más amenazas a nivel mundial. Punta Coyote corresponde a un área de alimentación, reclutamiento y desarrollo de juveniles, pero con fuerte presencia de actividades y artes de pesca que pueden perjudicar a las tortugas marinas ahí presentes, lo cual motiva a la comunidad para promover el cuidado de esta especie. Considerando que el uso diferencial del espacio, para muchas especies, está definido por la disponibilidad de los recursos necesarios para su desarrollo biológico adecuado, además teniendo en mente la Teoría Óptima de Forrajeo la hipótesis planteada es, "El uso espacial de Eretmochelys imbricata en Punta Coyote, se verá determinado por la disposición del sustrato roso, así como por la presencia del alimento preferencial para la especie". Se establece como Objetivo General, "Caracterizar el Ámbito de Hogar y la dieta de E.imbricata en función de factores ambientales". Para ello, las tortugas fueron capturadas, marcadas, medidas, pesadas, seobtuvo su contenido gastroesofágico y se les adosó un trasmisor acústico y en uno de los caso un transmisor satelital, lo cual permitió reconocer su ubicación y así se determinó su Ámbito de Hogar y Centro de Actividad. En total fueron capturadas 7 tortugas, todas correspondientes a juveniles. De estos animales, 1 no fue rastreada, 5 fueron rastreadas acústicamente y 1 rastreada con un transmisor satélite. De los animales capturados, 2 fueron recapturas de hace dos años. Se determinó que su dieta preferencial es Codium isabelae y Rhopalaea birkelandi. Tanto el Ámbito de Hogar como el Centro de Actividad, se encuentra asociado principalmente al sustrato rocoso, distancia a la desembocadura y a la abundancia de R.birkelandi. Tanto las recapturas y el rastreo satelital, permiten supones que se trata de animales residentes de su hábitat de alimentación. Adicionalmente, de todos los puntos registrados solo uno fue al interior de la Reserva Nacional de Vida Silvestre Caletas Ario (RNVSCA), lo cual reafirma que Punta Coyote es un área de importancia para la conservación y protección de la especie. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio permitirá esclarecer de mejor manera la distribución de esta especie en Punta Coyote, apoyando el establecimiento de una mejor AMP, conjuntamente con entregar mayor información ecológica y conductual de esta especie en una región en donde los estudios son escasos. A pesar del bajo número de ejemplares utilizado en esta investigación, éste es mayor que el implementado en otros estudios del mismo tipo para esta especie.
Understanding how is the space use by marine animals is crucial for the development of management strategies for marine ecosystéms, both indirect threats such as climate change, as well as more direct anthropogenic; gaining relevant knowledge of the factors that induce the pattern of habitat use and obtaining food. In sea turtles key data are needed on the biology, ecology and population status and their interaction with humans and threats, especially food habitat and neritic waters, which are imperative to get improve conservation efforts, monitoring and management of young animal in a more local form. In the case of the hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766), few such studies due to its low population density. This is a key specie inside marine ecosystem and currently critically endangered with a loss 75.5% their populations Pacific Ocean so them considered a populations more threats worldwide. Punta Coyote corresponds to a feeding area, recruitrnent and development of youth, but with a strong presence of fishing gear and activities that may harm sea turtles there present, which motivates the community to promote the care of this species. Whereas the differential use of space for many species, is defmed by the availability of resources necessary for their proper biological development also in rnind Optimal Foraging Theory the hypothesis is, "The Space Use of Eretmochelys imbricata in Punta Coyote, will be determined by the arrangement of the rocky substrate, and by the presence of food preference for the species". General Target is set to, "Characterizing the Home Range and diet of E.imbricata according environmental factors ." To this end, the turtles were captured, marked, measured, weighed, gastroesophageal content was obtained and were attaching a sound transrnitter and a case of a satellite transrnitter, which allowed us to recognize its location and thus determine the scope of Home Range and Activity Centre. A total of 7 turtles were captured, all corresponding to juveniles. Of these animals, 1 was not traced, 5 were tracked acoustically and 1 tracked with a satellite transrnitter. Of trapped animals, 2 were recaptures two years ago. W as deterrnined the diet preferential Codium isabelae and Rhopalaea birkelandi. Both the Home Range as the Activity Center, is mainly associated with rocky substrate, distance to the mouth and the abundance of R.birkelandi. Both recapture and satellite tracking, suggest that animals are residents in feeding habitat. Additionally, all registered points was only one within the National Wildlife Reserve Caletas Ario (RNVSCA), which reaffirms that Punta Coyote is an area of importance for the conservation and protection of the species. The results this study will clarify better the distribution this species Punta Coyote, supporting establishing better AMP jointly with deliver greater ecological information and behavioral this species in a region where studies scarce. Despite the low number of specimens used in this research, it is larger than the one implemented in other studies of the same type for this species.
Understanding how is the space use by marine animals is crucial for the development of management strategies for marine ecosystéms, both indirect threats such as climate change, as well as more direct anthropogenic; gaining relevant knowledge of the factors that induce the pattern of habitat use and obtaining food. In sea turtles key data are needed on the biology, ecology and population status and their interaction with humans and threats, especially food habitat and neritic waters, which are imperative to get improve conservation efforts, monitoring and management of young animal in a more local form. In the case of the hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata (Linnaeus, 1766), few such studies due to its low population density. This is a key specie inside marine ecosystem and currently critically endangered with a loss 75.5% their populations Pacific Ocean so them considered a populations more threats worldwide. Punta Coyote corresponds to a feeding area, recruitrnent and development of youth, but with a strong presence of fishing gear and activities that may harm sea turtles there present, which motivates the community to promote the care of this species. Whereas the differential use of space for many species, is defmed by the availability of resources necessary for their proper biological development also in rnind Optimal Foraging Theory the hypothesis is, "The Space Use of Eretmochelys imbricata in Punta Coyote, will be determined by the arrangement of the rocky substrate, and by the presence of food preference for the species". General Target is set to, "Characterizing the Home Range and diet of E.imbricata according environmental factors ." To this end, the turtles were captured, marked, measured, weighed, gastroesophageal content was obtained and were attaching a sound transrnitter and a case of a satellite transrnitter, which allowed us to recognize its location and thus determine the scope of Home Range and Activity Centre. A total of 7 turtles were captured, all corresponding to juveniles. Of these animals, 1 was not traced, 5 were tracked acoustically and 1 tracked with a satellite transrnitter. Of trapped animals, 2 were recaptures two years ago. W as deterrnined the diet preferential Codium isabelae and Rhopalaea birkelandi. Both the Home Range as the Activity Center, is mainly associated with rocky substrate, distance to the mouth and the abundance of R.birkelandi. Both recapture and satellite tracking, suggest that animals are residents in feeding habitat. Additionally, all registered points was only one within the National Wildlife Reserve Caletas Ario (RNVSCA), which reaffirms that Punta Coyote is an area of importance for the conservation and protection of the species. The results this study will clarify better the distribution this species Punta Coyote, supporting establishing better AMP jointly with deliver greater ecological information and behavioral this species in a region where studies scarce. Despite the low number of specimens used in this research, it is larger than the one implemented in other studies of the same type for this species.
Tesis (Magíster en Biología Marina)
Palabras clave
Tortugas de Mar, Costa Rica