Factores que influyen en la aplicación formal del proceso de atención de enfermería en dos servicios de emergencia infantil
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
La atención de enfermería sistematizada es el método ideal para la identificación de las
respuestas humanas, facilitando el establecimiento de un plan asistencial para resolución
de los problemas observados. Todo esto se traduce en la aplicación del proceso
enfermero como herramienta fundamental en nuestro quehacer diario; ya que este al ser
sistemático, dinámico permite orientar, calificar y asegurar calidad en los cuidados
Esta investigación de tipo cuantitativa, no experimental busca conocer y describir los
factores que influyen según la opinión de las Enfermeras en la Aplicación formal del
Proceso de Atención de Enfermería, en dos servicios de Emergencia Infantil de la ciudad
de Viña del Mar. Este estudio se realizo mediante la aplicación de una entrevista semi
estructurada a 15 Enfermeras y una pauta de cotejo a los registros de enfermería en los
distintos documentos utilizados en dichos servicios, obteniendo una medición
transversal en tiempo real.
Los resultados fueron analizados a través del programa Excel para Windows, mediante
estadística descriptiva.
The attention of nursing systematized is the ideal method for the identification of the human answers, facilitating the establishment of a welfare plan for resolution of the problems observed. All this is translated in the application of the process nurse as fundamental tool in our daily task; since this upon being systematic, dynamic permits to orient, to qualify and to assure quality in the cares offered. This investigation of not experimental, quantitative type search to know and to describe the factors that influence sign the opining of the Nurses in the Application formal of the Process of Attending of Nurse, in two services of Childlike Emergency of the city of Viña del Mar. This study I am carried out by means of the application of an interview semi structured 15 Nurses and a guideline of comparison to the registrations of nurse in the different documents utilized in you said services, obtaining a medicine cross realtime. The results were analyzed to trams of the program Excel for Windows, by means of statistical descriptive.
The attention of nursing systematized is the ideal method for the identification of the human answers, facilitating the establishment of a welfare plan for resolution of the problems observed. All this is translated in the application of the process nurse as fundamental tool in our daily task; since this upon being systematic, dynamic permits to orient, to qualify and to assure quality in the cares offered. This investigation of not experimental, quantitative type search to know and to describe the factors that influence sign the opining of the Nurses in the Application formal of the Process of Attending of Nurse, in two services of Childlike Emergency of the city of Viña del Mar. This study I am carried out by means of the application of an interview semi structured 15 Nurses and a guideline of comparison to the registrations of nurse in the different documents utilized in you said services, obtaining a medicine cross realtime. The results were analyzed to trams of the program Excel for Windows, by means of statistical descriptive.
Tesis (Magíster en Enfermería)
Palabras clave
Proceso de Atención de Enfermería, Servicios de Emergencia Infantil, Calidad de la Atención de Salud, Chile