Plan para la implementación de una sala de estimulación psicomotriz en el colegio The Angel’s en la comuna de Ñuñoa
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En el siguiente documento se presenta un proyecto que consiste en el plan de implementación de un salón motriz para el colegio particular The Angel´s School ubicado en la comuna de Ñuñoa, cuyo principal objetivo es otorgar a los niños y niñas de educación inicial un espacio adecuado para que conozcan y desarrollen sus habilidades, creatividad, autoestima, relaciones interpersonales, capacidades motrices, psíquicas y sociales, de tal manera estimular la actividad física, hábitos saludables y por sobre todo su desarrollo integral como individuos inmersos en una sociedad. Este plan tiene como meta ejecutarse en año 2019 en las dependencias del colegio a través de un plan de implementación constituido por un análisis previo de las amenazas, oportunidades, fortalezas y debilidades implicadas, así como también un plan de marketing que permita una orientación y etapas para el objetivo, un plan organizacional, un plan operativo para conocer las implicancias del proyecto y un plan financiero donde se estipulen los costos monetarios y de recursos humanos requeridos para su ejecución. Finalmente, este proyecto busca potenciar el desarrollo y aprendizaje de los estudiantes y fomentar la práctica psicomotriz como medio para el conocimiento e interacción con el medio y quienes lo componen. De tal manera, aportar al área de la Educación Física a través de la utilización y optimización de recursos, actividades lúdicas y la creación un espacio de creatividad y autoconocimiento para los niños y niñas del colegio The Angel´s School de Ñuñoa.
This paper shows a project which consists of an implementation plan of a motility room for the private school called The Angel's School located in the Ñuñoa district, and whose main objective is to provide pre-school children with a space suitable for them to know and develop their skills, creativeness, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, psychomotor and social skills, as well as to stimulate physical activity, healthy habits and above all a comprehensive development as individuals immersed in a society. This plan aims to be run by 2019 in the school facilities through an implementation plan consisting of a previous SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of the variables involved, as well as a marketing plan which allows orientation and stages for the aim of this project, an organizational and operative plan to be well aware of the implications of it and a financial plan which states clearly the monetary and human resources costs involved in its execution. Finally, this project seeks to enhance the development and learning processes of students and encourage their psychomotor practice as a means of knowledge and interaction with the environment and members of their school community. Thus, to contribute to the field of Physical Education through the use and optimization of resources, recreational activities and the creation of a space of creativity and self-knowledge for the children of The Angel's School of Ñuñoa.
This paper shows a project which consists of an implementation plan of a motility room for the private school called The Angel's School located in the Ñuñoa district, and whose main objective is to provide pre-school children with a space suitable for them to know and develop their skills, creativeness, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, psychomotor and social skills, as well as to stimulate physical activity, healthy habits and above all a comprehensive development as individuals immersed in a society. This plan aims to be run by 2019 in the school facilities through an implementation plan consisting of a previous SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of the variables involved, as well as a marketing plan which allows orientation and stages for the aim of this project, an organizational and operative plan to be well aware of the implications of it and a financial plan which states clearly the monetary and human resources costs involved in its execution. Finally, this project seeks to enhance the development and learning processes of students and encourage their psychomotor practice as a means of knowledge and interaction with the environment and members of their school community. Thus, to contribute to the field of Physical Education through the use and optimization of resources, recreational activities and the creation of a space of creativity and self-knowledge for the children of The Angel's School of Ñuñoa.
Tesis (Magíster en Gestión de la Actividad Física y Deportiva)
Palabras clave
Psicomotricidad, Enseñanza Preescolar, Chile, Ñuñoa