Constraints on TESS albedos for five hot Jupiters

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Photometric observations of occultations of transiting exoplanets can place important constraints on the thermal emission and albedos of their atmospheres. We analyse photometric measurements and derive geometric albedo (Ag) constraints for five hot Jupiters observed with TESS in the optical: WASP-18 b, WASP-36 b, WASP-43 b, WASP-50 b, and WASP-51 b. For WASP-43 b, our results are complemented by a VLT/HAWK-I observation in the near-infrared at 2.09μm. We derive the first geometric albedo constraints for WASP-50 b and WASP-51 b: Ag < 0.445 and Ag < 0.368, respectively. We find that WASP-43 b and WASP-18 b are both consistent with low geometric albedos (Ag < 0.16) even though they lie at opposite ends of the hot Jupiter temperature range with equilibrium temperatures of ∼1400 K and ∼2500 K, respectively. We report self-consistent atmospheric models that explain broad-band observations for both planets from TESS, HST, Spitzer, and VLT/HAWK-I. We find that the data of both hot Jupiters can be explained by thermal emission alone and inefficient day-night energy redistribution. The data do not require optical scattering from clouds/hazes, consistent with the low geometric albedos observed. © 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society.
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Infrared: planetary systems, Methods: data analysis, Planets and satellites: atmospheres, Stars: individual: WASP targets, Techniques: photometric
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 513, Issue 3, Pages 3444 - 3457, 1 July 2022
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