Estrategias metodológicas y proceso metacognitivo utilizado por la educadora de párvulos del nivel transición del Jardín Infantil Hormiguitas en el año 2015, en relación al desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples según la propuesta de Howard Gardner
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta investigación fue un estudio de caso de orden mixto, pues se analizan datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, de alcance descriptivo que tuvo como objetivo identificar las estrategias metodológicas y procesos metacognitivos que utilizó la educadora de párvulos del nivel transición del jardín infantil Hormiguitas en el año 2015 en relación al desarrollo de las inteligencias múltiples según la propuesta de Howard Gardner.
Los procedimientos utilizados para recoger la información fueron el test escalas evolutivas de estimación de las inteligencias múltiples (MIDAS-KIDS), una entrevista semi-estructurada realizada a la educadora del nivel transición, el análisis de las observaciones no participantes de las clases, y una revisión documental del proyecto educativo y de las planificaciones desarrolladas por la educadora del nivel.
De los resultados obtenidos de la investigación, se observó que la educadora del nivel transición del jardín infantil Hormiguitas utilizó estrategias metodológicas para estimular entre cinco y seis inteligencias de sus alumnos por jornada, enfatizando la estimulación de las inteligencias espacial, lógico-matemática y cinestésica –corporal, y con una menor predominancia las inteligencias lingüística, musical, interpersonal e Intrapersonal. Lo cual no presentó una concordancia con la información entregada por la educadora de párvulos en la entrevista, quien manifestó estimular todas las inteligencias múltiples durante la jornada dando un mayor énfasis a las inteligencias lingüística y lógico-matemática.
Sin embargo, no aplicó ningún instrumento evaluativo para conocer el nivel de desarrollo de las inteligencias que presentan sus párvulos, planificando las estrategias en relación a los aprendizajes esperados emanados de las Bases curriculares de la Educación Parvularia. En cuanto al proceso metacognitivo realizado por la educadora arrojó que la educadora no planifica, regula ni evalúa sus estrategias metodológicas en relación al desarrollo de la propuesta de las inteligencias múltiples de Howard Gardner.
This investigation was a case study of mixed order, since there is analyzed quantitative and qualitative information, of descriptive scope that had as aim identify the methodological strategies and processes metacognitive that there used the educator nursery of the level transition of the infant school Hormiguitas in the year 2015 in relation to the development of the multiple intelligences according to Howard Gardner's offer. The procedures used to collect information were the test evolutionary scales of estimation of multiple intelligences (MIDAS-KIDS), a semi-structured interview with educator of the transition level, the analysis of non-participant observations of classes, and a documentary review of the educational project and the plans developed by the educator of the level. Of the obtained results of the investigation, was observed that teacher of the transition level of the infant school Hormiguitas used methodological strategies to stimulate between five and six intelligences of his students for day, al-mathematical intelligence, and kinesthetic - body, and with a lower prevalence intelligences linguistic, musical, interpersonal and Intrapersonal. Which did not present a concordance with the information provided by the educator of preschoolers in the interview, who said to stimulate all multiple intelligences day giving greater emphasis to the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. However, it did not apply any assessment instrument to determine the level of development of the intelligences have their nursery, planning the strategies in relation to the awaited learnings emanating of the curricular foundations of nursery education. As for the process metacognitive realized by the educator it threw that the educator doesn’t plan, it regulates doesn’t even evaluate his methodological strategies in relation to the development of the offer of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences.
This investigation was a case study of mixed order, since there is analyzed quantitative and qualitative information, of descriptive scope that had as aim identify the methodological strategies and processes metacognitive that there used the educator nursery of the level transition of the infant school Hormiguitas in the year 2015 in relation to the development of the multiple intelligences according to Howard Gardner's offer. The procedures used to collect information were the test evolutionary scales of estimation of multiple intelligences (MIDAS-KIDS), a semi-structured interview with educator of the transition level, the analysis of non-participant observations of classes, and a documentary review of the educational project and the plans developed by the educator of the level. Of the obtained results of the investigation, was observed that teacher of the transition level of the infant school Hormiguitas used methodological strategies to stimulate between five and six intelligences of his students for day, al-mathematical intelligence, and kinesthetic - body, and with a lower prevalence intelligences linguistic, musical, interpersonal and Intrapersonal. Which did not present a concordance with the information provided by the educator of preschoolers in the interview, who said to stimulate all multiple intelligences day giving greater emphasis to the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence. However, it did not apply any assessment instrument to determine the level of development of the intelligences have their nursery, planning the strategies in relation to the awaited learnings emanating of the curricular foundations of nursery education. As for the process metacognitive realized by the educator it threw that the educator doesn’t plan, it regulates doesn’t even evaluate his methodological strategies in relation to the development of the offer of Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences.
Tesis (Magíster en Desarrollo Curricular y Proyectos Educativos)
Palabras clave
Innovaciones Educativas, Estrategias Metodológicas, Inteligencias Múltiples, Test de prueba para Niños