Gestión e inspección de proyectos de construcción: un análisis empírico de la no coordinación de proyectos de edificación habitacional en altura
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El objetivo de esta investigación es exponer la problemática generada por las
deficiencias, o en su defecto ausencia, de la coordinación e inspección técnica de obras
en la edificación habitacional en altura. Coordinar un proyecto de edificación es la
capacidad de generar, agrupar y disponer en concordancia las distintas especialidades
asociadas, con el fin de lograr los resultados planteados de manera eficiente y con un
producto final óptimo. Se destaca, la coordinación de proyectos a nivel gerencial, como
una alternativa no tradicional para la realidad de nuestro país, pero efectiva en lo que se
refiere a la disminución de costos por obras adicionales no programadas al inicio de la
materialización del proyecto.
Para obtener resultados cuantificables se tomaron los antecedentes de los
presupuestos oficiales de construcción de tres proyectos de edificación habitacional, y
se compararon con los montos finales de ejecución, obteniendo sus respectivos costos
adicionales y clasificándolos en criterios, definidos como partidas estructurantes,
defectos y modificaciones, y actores responsables, en donde en este último, se
presenta como el mas incidente en los costos adicionales. Si bien, los datos no
representan el universo de la realidad contemporánea en la construcción, son una
referencia empírica hacia los elementos susceptibles de convertirse en costos
adicionales no planificados en cualquier proyecto de construcción.
Se concluye que la incorporación de la coordinación en un proyecto a nivel gerencial, es
un hecho beneficioso para los procesos intermedios y el resultado final de un proyecto
de edificación.
The aim of this research is to expose the problematics generated by deficiencies, or by defect, absence of coordination and technical inspection of works concerning to building habitational construction in height. Coordinate a project of building is the capacity to generate, group and arrange in confarmity the different associate specialties, in arder to achieve the resu~ts raised in an efficient way and with a final ideal product. lt is outlined, the project coordination to managerial level, as a not traditional alternative far the reality of our country, but effective regarding the decrease of costs far additional works not programmed to the beginning of the materialization of the project. To obtain quantified results, were taken precedents of the official budget of construction far three projects of building habitational construction in height, and and they have been compared with the final amounts of execution, obtaining their respective additional costs. They have been classified under criteria of structural items, faults, modifications and responsible actors, where in this latter it appears the majar effect of the additional costs. Though the infarmation does not represent the universe of the contemporary reality in the construction, it is an empirical reference towards the elements capable of turning into additional costs not planned in any project of construction. lt can be concluded that the incorporation of the coordination in a project to managerial level, is a befeficial fact far the intermediate processes and the final result of a project building,
The aim of this research is to expose the problematics generated by deficiencies, or by defect, absence of coordination and technical inspection of works concerning to building habitational construction in height. Coordinate a project of building is the capacity to generate, group and arrange in confarmity the different associate specialties, in arder to achieve the resu~ts raised in an efficient way and with a final ideal product. lt is outlined, the project coordination to managerial level, as a not traditional alternative far the reality of our country, but effective regarding the decrease of costs far additional works not programmed to the beginning of the materialization of the project. To obtain quantified results, were taken precedents of the official budget of construction far three projects of building habitational construction in height, and and they have been compared with the final amounts of execution, obtaining their respective additional costs. They have been classified under criteria of structural items, faults, modifications and responsible actors, where in this latter it appears the majar effect of the additional costs. Though the infarmation does not represent the universe of the contemporary reality in the construction, it is an empirical reference towards the elements capable of turning into additional costs not planned in any project of construction. lt can be concluded that the incorporation of the coordination in a project to managerial level, is a befeficial fact far the intermediate processes and the final result of a project building,
Tesis (Ingeniero en Construcción)
Palabras clave
Edificios Altos, Industria de la Construcción, Inspección