Prevalencia de trastornos respiratorios del sueño asociado a características faciales morfo-funcionales
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Antecedentes: Existen muchos estudios que relacionan los trastornos
respiratorios del sueño y características faciales morfo-funcionales, sin
embargo, a nivel nacional no existen estudios sobre esta asociación. Los
trastornos respiratorios del sueño conllevan a problemas del metabolismo
cardiovascular, problemas de comportamiento y neurocognitivos con alto
impacto en la calidad de vida
Justificación: Estudiar la prevalencia de los trastornos respiratorios del
sueño en pacientes pediátricos y su asociación con características
faciales morpho-funcionales se fundamenta en la necesidad de entregar
un tratamiento integral que contribuirá a una mejor calidad de vida a los
pacientes, no sólo en tratamientos centrado en lo anatómico sino también
en patologías que tienen repercusiones a nivel sistémico.
Objetivo: Establecer prevalencia de trastornos respiratorios del sueño en
pacientes pediátricos con anomalías faciales morfo-funcionales.
Material y Métodos: Corresponde a un estudio observacional, de
prevalencia, retrospectivo, transversal, en niños de 6 a 10 años atendidos
en la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello, de la comuna de Talcahuano. La
muestra fue de tipo no probabilística, considerando a aquellos que
cumplieron con los requisitos de inclusión y exclusión, y que sus padres
consientan informadamente que sus hijos participen. La evaluación de los
trastornos del sueño será mediante una encuesta llamada “Pediatric Sleep
Questionaire” versión en español. Los datos serán procesados con el
software estadístico SPSS 22.0 realizando análisis de tipo descriptivo e
inferencial, según objetivos y naturaleza de las variables. Resultados observados: El estudio mostró una prevalencia de trastornos
respiratorios del sueño de un 36.7%. El análisis inferencial no pudo
establecer una relación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables
trastornos respiratorios del sueño y sexo, edad, clase molar de Angle,
mordida cruzada, obesidad y entrecruzamiento. Sin embargo se pudo
establecer una relación entre las variables trastornos respiratorios del
sueño y tipo de respiración cuyo análisis de riesgo relativo mostró un valor
de 2,06 , relación estadísticamente significativa con valores p < 0,05 (test
de Chi – Cuadrado) y valor V de Cramer de 0.262.
Conclusiones: Los pacientes con maloclusiones, de todo tipo, no
presentan asociación estadísticamente significativa con los trastornos
respiratorios del sueño. Sin embargo, lo ideal para estudiar este tipo de
asociaciones es con polimsomnografía para evaluar que tipo de Trastorno
del sueño padece el paciente, un examen clínico exhaustivo, examen
tridimensional de las vías aéreas del paciente y un examen cefalométrico
para evaluar las bases óseas del paciente, de esta manera se podrán
obtener datos mas fiables.
Background: There are several studies that establish the relation between Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in pediatrics patients with morpho-functional facial anomalies, however, doesn´t exist a study that show the reality of our country. The Sleep Related Breathing Disorders entails to: cardiovascular metabolism problems, behavioral and neurocognitive problems with high impact on quality of life. Justification: Studying the prevalence of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in pediatric patients with morfo-functional facial anomalies is based on the need to give a comprehensive treatment which will contribute to a better quality of life of the patients, on pathologies which have systemic repercussions as sleep disorders, not just in an anatomic level. Objective: Establish prevalence of sleep breathing disorders in pediatric patients with morpho-functional facial anomalies. Material and Method: This is an observational study of: prevalence, retrospective, cross-sectional. Applied to children aged 6 to 10 years old, treated at “Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello", at the commune of Talcahuano. The sample will be non-probabilistic, intentioned and opportunistic, considering those patients who meet the requirements of inclusion and exclusion, and whom parents accept informedly their children participation. The evaluation of sleep disorders will be through a survey called “Pediatric Sleep Questionaire” Spanish version. The statistic analysis will be by a statistic software SPSS 22.0, making descriptive and inferential analysis , according to objectives and nature of the variables. Observed results: The study showed a prevalence of sleep related breathing disorders of 36.7%. The inferential analysis did not establish a statistically significant relationship between the variables respiratory sleep disorders and sex, age, Angle's molar class, cross-bite, obesity and over - bite. However, it was possible establish a relationship between the variables sleep related breathing disorders and respiratory type whose relative risk analysis showed a value of 2.06, a statistically significant relation with values p <0.05 (Chi - square test) and value V of Cramer of 0.262. Conclusions: Patients with malocclusions, of all types, do not present a statistically significant association with respiratory sleep disorders. However, the ideal way to study this type of associations is with polimsomnography to evaluate what type of sleep disorder the patient suffers, a comprehensive clinical examination, three-dimensional examination of the patient's airways and a cephalometric examination to evaluate the patient's bony bases , This way you can obtain more reliable data.
Background: There are several studies that establish the relation between Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in pediatrics patients with morpho-functional facial anomalies, however, doesn´t exist a study that show the reality of our country. The Sleep Related Breathing Disorders entails to: cardiovascular metabolism problems, behavioral and neurocognitive problems with high impact on quality of life. Justification: Studying the prevalence of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders in pediatric patients with morfo-functional facial anomalies is based on the need to give a comprehensive treatment which will contribute to a better quality of life of the patients, on pathologies which have systemic repercussions as sleep disorders, not just in an anatomic level. Objective: Establish prevalence of sleep breathing disorders in pediatric patients with morpho-functional facial anomalies. Material and Method: This is an observational study of: prevalence, retrospective, cross-sectional. Applied to children aged 6 to 10 years old, treated at “Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello", at the commune of Talcahuano. The sample will be non-probabilistic, intentioned and opportunistic, considering those patients who meet the requirements of inclusion and exclusion, and whom parents accept informedly their children participation. The evaluation of sleep disorders will be through a survey called “Pediatric Sleep Questionaire” Spanish version. The statistic analysis will be by a statistic software SPSS 22.0, making descriptive and inferential analysis , according to objectives and nature of the variables. Observed results: The study showed a prevalence of sleep related breathing disorders of 36.7%. The inferential analysis did not establish a statistically significant relationship between the variables respiratory sleep disorders and sex, age, Angle's molar class, cross-bite, obesity and over - bite. However, it was possible establish a relationship between the variables sleep related breathing disorders and respiratory type whose relative risk analysis showed a value of 2.06, a statistically significant relation with values p <0.05 (Chi - square test) and value V of Cramer of 0.262. Conclusions: Patients with malocclusions, of all types, do not present a statistically significant association with respiratory sleep disorders. However, the ideal way to study this type of associations is with polimsomnography to evaluate what type of sleep disorder the patient suffers, a comprehensive clinical examination, three-dimensional examination of the patient's airways and a cephalometric examination to evaluate the patient's bony bases , This way you can obtain more reliable data.
Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)
Palabras clave
Trastornos, Maloclusión, Medicina del sueño, Respiración por la boca