Vivencias de las estrategias de autocuidado que utilizan los equipos interdisciplinarios del área oncológica en la Región de Valparaíso, Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El presente estudio busca comprender las estrategias de autocuidado que utilizan los
equipos interdisciplinarios del área oncológica de la Región de Valparaíso, Chile. La
investigación fue llevada a cabo bajo una metodología cualitativa, a través de un diseño
fenomenológico y un paradigma interpretativo. Para la obtención de la muestra se contó
con la participación de cuatro profesionales del área oncológica permitiendo identificar,
analizar y contextualizar las estrategias de autocuidado que utilizan los equipos
interdisciplinarios en sus prácticas laborales, mediante testimonios entregados a través de la
aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas.
El estudio se analizó bajo la mirada de la disciplina de Terapia Ocupacional incluyendo
un enfoque ergonómico desde el concepto de la carga mental. Además, se realizó un
análisis y comprensión del síndrome de Burnout en relación con los relatos de las
profesionales de salud.
Al concluir la investigación, se comprende que las estrategias de autocuidado surgen a
partir de la propia iniciativa de los profesionales del área oncológica, debido a que las
instituciones laborales no entregan herramientas de autocuidado hacia sus trabajadores, es
decir, existe un traspaso de responsabilidad institucional hacia una responsabilidad
This study seeks to understand self-care strategies used by interdisciplinary teams from the oncology area in the Region of Valparaíso, Chile. The investigation was performed under a qualitative methodology, through a phenomenological design and an interpretative paradigm. To obtain the sample, the participation of four professionals from the oncology area was present, allowing the identification, analysis and contextualization of self-care strategies that the interdisciplinary teams use in their work performances, through testimonials given through the application of semi-structured interviews. This study was analyzed from the Occupational Therapy discipline’s point of view, including an ergonomic focus from the concept of mental workload. Also, an analysis and understanding of Burnout syndrome were carried out in relation to the interviews of health professionals. After the research was completed, it is understood that the self-care strategies arise due to the professionals of the oncology area’s initiative since work institutions do not provide self-care tools to their workers, that is, it exists a transference of institutional responsibility towards a personal responsibility.
This study seeks to understand self-care strategies used by interdisciplinary teams from the oncology area in the Region of Valparaíso, Chile. The investigation was performed under a qualitative methodology, through a phenomenological design and an interpretative paradigm. To obtain the sample, the participation of four professionals from the oncology area was present, allowing the identification, analysis and contextualization of self-care strategies that the interdisciplinary teams use in their work performances, through testimonials given through the application of semi-structured interviews. This study was analyzed from the Occupational Therapy discipline’s point of view, including an ergonomic focus from the concept of mental workload. Also, an analysis and understanding of Burnout syndrome were carried out in relation to the interviews of health professionals. After the research was completed, it is understood that the self-care strategies arise due to the professionals of the oncology area’s initiative since work institutions do not provide self-care tools to their workers, that is, it exists a transference of institutional responsibility towards a personal responsibility.
Tesis (Licenciado en Terapia Ocupacional)
Palabras clave
Autocuidado, Síndrome de Burnout, Equipos de Trabajo, Profesionales de la Salud, Oncología, Chile