Influencia de la recirculación de lixiviados en los asentamientos de un relleno sanitario
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Debido a la capacidad contaminante de los residuos sólidos, además del constante aumento de volumen, merecen que se les dé atención especial. Por ello se ha optado como método de disposición final más utilizada, el vertedero controlado.
Los asentamientos, que son producidos por los procesos de degradación de los residuos sólidos, son de mucho interés y su estudio permite aprovechar de mejor forma el volumen real del vertedero. Al haber asentamientos, el volumen de los residuos disminuye, la capacidad del vertedero aumenta y por consiguiente su vida útil.
Otro punto importante es la generación de lixiviados y biogás, que se basa principalmente en las formas de control de estos. Ambos son producidos por la descomposición biológica de la basura y pueden ser contaminantes.
Los lixiviados generados por la integración de un líquido (agua) sobre los residuos sólidos o por la propia descomposición de ellos, se pueden controlar de acuerdo a sistemas de tratamientos, existiendo preferentemente la depuración, donde se aíslan los líquidos y son recogidos con el fin de tratarlos, para luego recircularlos.
La recirculación de lixiviados pretende acelerar los procesos de degradación de los residuos, cuya ventaja es el incremento de la producción de gases y asentamientos, lográndose un aumento de la vida útil del vertedero debido al volumen ganado.
Esta memoria se enfocó en recopilar información que lleve a comprobar en forma práctica que la recirculación de lixiviados influye en el aumento de los asentamientos. Para ello se recogieron casos experimentales donde se comprueba la teoría, todo en el contexto de la disposición final de la basura, parte del proceso donde interviene el profesional de la construcción.
Due to the polluting capacity of solid remainders, in addition to its constant increase of volume, they deserve that special attention is given to. For that reason the controlled garbage dump has been chosen as a method of more useful final disposition. The tamp down that are produced by the processes of degradation of the solid remainders, are of mayor interest and its study allows to take more advantage of the real volume of the garbage dump. With the existing of tamp down, the volume of the remainders diminishes, the capacity of the garbage dump increases and therefore its life utility. Another important point is the generation of leached and biogas, that is based mainly on the forms of control of these. Both are produced by the biological decomposition of the sweepings and can be a pollution hazard. The leached ones generated by the integration of a liquid (water) on the solid remainders or by their own decomposition can be controlled according to systems of treatments, preferring the purification system where the liquids are isolated and gathered with the purpose of treating them first and recirculating them later. The recirculation of leached tries to accelerate the processes of degradation of the remainders, whose advantage is the increase of gas production and tamp down, resulting in an increase of the life utility of the garbage dump due to the recovered volume. This paper focused on compiling information that leads to verify in a practical way that the recirculation of the leached, influences in the increase of the tamp down. For this, experimental cases were gathered where the theory is verified, always in the context of the final disposition of the sweepings, part of the process where the construction professional participates.
Due to the polluting capacity of solid remainders, in addition to its constant increase of volume, they deserve that special attention is given to. For that reason the controlled garbage dump has been chosen as a method of more useful final disposition. The tamp down that are produced by the processes of degradation of the solid remainders, are of mayor interest and its study allows to take more advantage of the real volume of the garbage dump. With the existing of tamp down, the volume of the remainders diminishes, the capacity of the garbage dump increases and therefore its life utility. Another important point is the generation of leached and biogas, that is based mainly on the forms of control of these. Both are produced by the biological decomposition of the sweepings and can be a pollution hazard. The leached ones generated by the integration of a liquid (water) on the solid remainders or by their own decomposition can be controlled according to systems of treatments, preferring the purification system where the liquids are isolated and gathered with the purpose of treating them first and recirculating them later. The recirculation of leached tries to accelerate the processes of degradation of the remainders, whose advantage is the increase of gas production and tamp down, resulting in an increase of the life utility of the garbage dump due to the recovered volume. This paper focused on compiling information that leads to verify in a practical way that the recirculation of the leached, influences in the increase of the tamp down. For this, experimental cases were gathered where the theory is verified, always in the context of the final disposition of the sweepings, part of the process where the construction professional participates.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Rellenos de Tierra Sanitarios, Lixiviación