Casos de estudio estacionamiento
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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El presente documento tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis del negocio
para implementar mejoras a los procesos que se realizan de manera cotidiana, para
este caso en particular se investigaron las necesidades de un establecimiento
estacionario ubicado en la localidad de Talagante para llevar como caso de estudio.
Si bien investigaciones realizadas por el instituto nacional estadístico (INE) el
parque automotriz crecerá un 25% para el año 2025 en Chile, por otra parte, la
Asociación Nacional automotriz de Chile (Anac), indicó que al final del año 2019 se
comercializaron aproximadamente 380 mil automóviles, por lo cual este documento
tiene como finalidad en base al explosivo aumento previsto de circulación de
vehículos, realizar un análisis para relacionar las necesidades de los usuarios a la
hora de buscar un lugar donde estacionar, junto con las pymes que están surgiendo
en el rubro de estacionamiento.
Finalmente, para este caso de estudio en particular se opta por utilizar el uso de
herramientas tecnológicas para satisfacer las necesidades del recinto, creando
nuevos procesos que no están siendo satisfechos a la fecha, junto con la realización
de un proceso de mejora digital para la recolección y manejo de información que se
circula hoy en día, lo cual culmina con la realización e implementación de 2
aplicaciones web, las cuales fueron probadas por los usuarios, generando diversas
opiniones y dando resultados positivos para este proyecto, cumpliendo con la
totalidad de objetivos planteados en este proyecto y entregando nuevas
oportunidades de hacer crecer los negocios, mediante la digitalización de procesos
y un mayor alcance hacia posibles clientes.
The objective of this document is to carry out a business analysis to implement improvements to the processes that are carried out on a daily basis. In this particular case, the needs of a parking lot located in the town of Talagante were investigated in order to carry out a case study. Although research carried out by the National Statistics Institute (INE) shows that the number of cars in Chile will grow by 25% by 2025, the National Association of Automobiles of Chile (Anac) has indicated that approximately 380,000 cars will be sold by the end of 2019. Therefore, this document aims to analyse the needs of users when looking for a parking space, together with the SMEs that are emerging in the parking area, based on the explosive increase in vehicle circulation. Finally, for this particular case study, the decision was made to use technological tools to meet the needs of the site, creating new processes that are not being met to date, along with the implementation of a digital improvement process for the collection and management of information that is circulating today, which culminates with the realization and implementation of 2 web applications, which were tested by users, generating various opinions and giving positive results for this project, fulfilling all the objectives set out in this project and delivering new opportunities to grow business, through the digitization of processes and a greater reach to potential customers.
The objective of this document is to carry out a business analysis to implement improvements to the processes that are carried out on a daily basis. In this particular case, the needs of a parking lot located in the town of Talagante were investigated in order to carry out a case study. Although research carried out by the National Statistics Institute (INE) shows that the number of cars in Chile will grow by 25% by 2025, the National Association of Automobiles of Chile (Anac) has indicated that approximately 380,000 cars will be sold by the end of 2019. Therefore, this document aims to analyse the needs of users when looking for a parking space, together with the SMEs that are emerging in the parking area, based on the explosive increase in vehicle circulation. Finally, for this particular case study, the decision was made to use technological tools to meet the needs of the site, creating new processes that are not being met to date, along with the implementation of a digital improvement process for the collection and management of information that is circulating today, which culminates with the realization and implementation of 2 web applications, which were tested by users, generating various opinions and giving positive results for this project, fulfilling all the objectives set out in this project and delivering new opportunities to grow business, through the digitization of processes and a greater reach to potential customers.
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil Informático)
Palabras clave
Zonas de Estacionamiento, Innovaciones Tecnológicas, Chile, Talagante