Implicancias psicosociales en la participación ocupacional de profesionales que laboran en instituciones de protección de la infancia en la provincia de Valparaíso
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Al analizar diferentes investigaciones se reconoce que los factores
psicosociales son determinantes, tanto en relación con las causas,
consecuencias y la prevención de las enfermedades como tambien respecto a
la promoción de la salud. A la vez, los factores psicosociales repercuten en
diferentes aspectos de la vida cotidiana de los individuos siendo invisibilizados o
naturalizados por la misma población por la necesidad de cumplir con las
condiciones laborales, no tan solo en llevar a cabalidad el rol profesional
individual con la realización de la tarea, si no que también con situaciones
relacionadas con la organización del trabajo y el ambiente en el cuál se
desenvuelve cada individuo.
Desde entonces, la presente tesis tiene como objetivo lograr comprender
las implicancias psicosociales en la participación ocupacional de los
profesionales que laboran en insituciones de protección de la infancia en la
provincia de Valparaiso.
Para lograr llevar a cabo la investigación se consideraron las distintas
subjetividades de los profesionales, utilizando una metodología de tipo
cualitativa, para lograr describir las diferentes realidades del fenómeno a
comprender, considerando a los sujetos de estudios desde una perspectiva
integral y holística, entendiendo que la multiplicidad de experiencias construyen
al sujeto como un todo. La técnica de producción de información acorde a la
naturaleza y sujetos de estudios de la investigación fue en base a una
entrevista en profundidad con un guión tipo semi estructurada, la cual facilitó el
análisis de información categorial.
Se realiza el análisis de los resultados obtenidos y se redactan las
conclusiones de acuerdo a cada objetivo establecido respondiendo a cada uno
de ellos, comprendiendo que finalmente las implicancias psicosociales sobrepasan los límites esperados por las personas, las cuales a pesar de ser
conscientes de que en nuestro país las condiciones laborales no son las más
favorables, la vocación y vínculo con el rol profesional dentro de las
instituciones de protección de la infancia tiene un valor significativo y primordial
a la hora del hacer.
When analyzing different researches, it is recognizable that psychosocial factors are crucial, as much as in relation with the causes, consequences and prevention of the diseases, as they are regarding the promotion of health. At the same time, the psychosocial factors have an impact in the different aspects of the daily life of individuals, being invisibilized or naturalized by the same population by the necessity of complying with labor conditions, not only in fully carrying out the individual professional role with the performance of the task, but also with situations related to work organization and the environment in which each individual acts. Since that, the current thesis has as its objective being able to understand the psychosocial implications in the occupational participation of the professionals who work in child protection institutions in the province of Valparaíso, Chile. In order to carry out the investigation, the different subjectivities of the professionals were considered using a qualitative-type methodology, in order to describe the different realities of the phenomenon being studied, considering the study subjects from an integrative and holistic perspective, understanding that the multiplicity of the experiences constitute the subject as a whole. The method of data production according to the nature and the study subjects of the investigation was based in a thorough interview with a semi-structured script, which facilitated the analysis of categorical information. The analysis of the obtained results is performed, and the conclusions are drawn up according to each stablished objective answering to each of them, understanding that, finally, the psychosocial implications exceed the limits expected be the people, who, in spite of being aware that the labor conditions in our country are not the most favorable, the vocation and bond with the professional role within child protection institutions have a significate and pivotal value at the time of doing.
When analyzing different researches, it is recognizable that psychosocial factors are crucial, as much as in relation with the causes, consequences and prevention of the diseases, as they are regarding the promotion of health. At the same time, the psychosocial factors have an impact in the different aspects of the daily life of individuals, being invisibilized or naturalized by the same population by the necessity of complying with labor conditions, not only in fully carrying out the individual professional role with the performance of the task, but also with situations related to work organization and the environment in which each individual acts. Since that, the current thesis has as its objective being able to understand the psychosocial implications in the occupational participation of the professionals who work in child protection institutions in the province of Valparaíso, Chile. In order to carry out the investigation, the different subjectivities of the professionals were considered using a qualitative-type methodology, in order to describe the different realities of the phenomenon being studied, considering the study subjects from an integrative and holistic perspective, understanding that the multiplicity of the experiences constitute the subject as a whole. The method of data production according to the nature and the study subjects of the investigation was based in a thorough interview with a semi-structured script, which facilitated the analysis of categorical information. The analysis of the obtained results is performed, and the conclusions are drawn up according to each stablished objective answering to each of them, understanding that, finally, the psychosocial implications exceed the limits expected be the people, who, in spite of being aware that the labor conditions in our country are not the most favorable, the vocation and bond with the professional role within child protection institutions have a significate and pivotal value at the time of doing.
Tesis (Terapeuta Ocupacional)
Palabras clave
Instituciones de Cuidados Infantiles, Terapeutas Ocupacionales, Aspectos Sociales, Aspectos Psicológicos, Chile, Valparaíso