Las representaciones sociales de docentes de la comuna de PeƱaflor, referentes a sus alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
Durante los Ćŗltimos aƱos, el sistema de educaciĆ³n de nuestro paĆs se ha abierto a la
inclusiĆ³n escolar de niƱos y niƱas con necesidades educativas especiales. Este proceso ha
sido dispuesto por normativas que reconocen la discapacidad como un dilema social, lo que
ha implicado un nuevo desafĆo para la prĆ”ctica docente. Estos cambios demandan
competencias adecuadas para el trabajo con niƱos y niƱas que presentan discapacidad, las
que suponen el manejo de conceptos, estrategias y la construcciĆ³n de nuevas representaciones
que trasciendan desde un enfoque individual de comprensiĆ³n de la discapacidad, a un
enfoque social.
Dado el contexto seƱalado anteriormente, la presente investigaciĆ³n se planteĆ³ como objetivo
conocer y analizar las representaciones sociales que tienen los profesores de educaciĆ³n
general bĆ”sica de la comuna de PeƱaflor sobre la inclusiĆ³n de estudiantes con necesidades
educativas especiales. De esta manera se busca identificar la informaciĆ³n que compone las
representaciones de los docentes desde el discurso, develando actitudes, mitos e ideas
relacionadas con la inclusiĆ³n escolar del alumnado.
Finalmente se contrastaron los contenidos de las representaciones sociales con la nueva
conceptualizaciĆ³n acerca de fenĆ³menos relacionados con la discapacidad y la prĆ”ctica
pedagĆ³gica que surgen desde las nuevas polĆticas educativas.
In recent years, the education system of our country has been open to the school inclusion of children with disability. This process has been established by regulations that recognize disability as a social dilemma, which has implied a new challenge for teaching practice. These changes demand adequate competence for working with children with disabilities, which involve the management of concepts, strategies and the construction of new representations that transcend from an individual approach to understanding disability, a social approach. Given the aforementioned context, the aim of this research was to know and analyze the social representations that elementary school teacher of the PeƱaflor have regarding the inclusion of students with disability. In this way, it seeks to identify the information that makes up the representations of teachers from the discourse, revealing attitudes, myths and ideas related to the school inclusion of students. Finally, the contents of social representations were contrasted with the new conceptualization about phenomena related to disability and teaching practice that arise from the new educational policies.
In recent years, the education system of our country has been open to the school inclusion of children with disability. This process has been established by regulations that recognize disability as a social dilemma, which has implied a new challenge for teaching practice. These changes demand adequate competence for working with children with disabilities, which involve the management of concepts, strategies and the construction of new representations that transcend from an individual approach to understanding disability, a social approach. Given the aforementioned context, the aim of this research was to know and analyze the social representations that elementary school teacher of the PeƱaflor have regarding the inclusion of students with disability. In this way, it seeks to identify the information that makes up the representations of teachers from the discourse, revealing attitudes, myths and ideas related to the school inclusion of students. Finally, the contents of social representations were contrasted with the new conceptualization about phenomena related to disability and teaching practice that arise from the new educational policies.
Tesis (Magister en GestiĆ³n e InclusiĆ³n Laboral de Personas en SituaciĆ³n de Discapacidad)
Palabras clave
Necesidades Educativas Especiales, EducaciĆ³n Inclusiva, Chile, PeƱaflor