Diabetes mellitus como factor de riesgo en la oseointegraciĆ³n
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Universidad AndrƩs Bello
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La Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 o insulinodependiente representa el 1 O al 15% de
los casos; se diagnostica generalmente antes de los 30 aƱos de edad, en cambio, la
Diabetes Mellitus tipo 11 o no insulinodependiente, se diagnostica casi siempre
despuƩs de los 30 aƱos y representa el 90 a 95% de los casos de Diabetes en el
mundo. Factores especiales como la dieta y la vida sedentaria hace cada vez mƔs
frecuente esta patologĆa. Este paciente tiene disminuida la funciĆ³n inmunolĆ³gica
debido a que los polimorfonucleares presentan su quimiotaxis, fagocitosis y
adherencia aminorada; tambiĆ©n baja la sĆntesis de colĆ”geno o reducciĆ³n de la
proliferaciĆ³n y crecimiento celular del fibroblasto. A nivel vascular se produce un
cambio por la glicolisaciĆ³n de las proteĆnas de la membrana basal con posterior
adelgazamiento y cambios en sus propiedades fĆsicas.
El propĆ³sito de este seminario es entregar informaciĆ³n recopilada para
reconocer signos y sĆntomas de la Diabetes Mellitus, asĆ como su influencia en la
cicatrizaciĆ³n de tejidos y su consecuencia en la oseointegraciĆ³n de los implantes.
Ten to fiveteen percent of diabetes mellitus cases are type 1 , usually diagnosed befare the age of 30 years. Type 11 diabetes mellitus diagnosed after 30 year old , this type 11 diabetes mellitus aseabout 90 to 95 percent of the cases. Enviroment factors as diet and sedentary lives makes this patology more frecuent. This kind of patient have a lack of inmunology because of a quimiotaxis, fagocitic and adherent capacities malfuntion in their white cells; They also have a low colagen sintesis and low growth of fibroblastic cells population. At vascular level there is change in protein glicolisation of basal membrane. The basal membrane is thin and its physical properties are different. This seminary purpose is deliver information about symptoms and sings of this disease, its influence in healness of wounds and ostoeointegration prosses of implants.
Ten to fiveteen percent of diabetes mellitus cases are type 1 , usually diagnosed befare the age of 30 years. Type 11 diabetes mellitus diagnosed after 30 year old , this type 11 diabetes mellitus aseabout 90 to 95 percent of the cases. Enviroment factors as diet and sedentary lives makes this patology more frecuent. This kind of patient have a lack of inmunology because of a quimiotaxis, fagocitic and adherent capacities malfuntion in their white cells; They also have a low colagen sintesis and low growth of fibroblastic cells population. At vascular level there is change in protein glicolisation of basal membrane. The basal membrane is thin and its physical properties are different. This seminary purpose is deliver information about symptoms and sings of this disease, its influence in healness of wounds and ostoeointegration prosses of implants.
Tesis (OdontologĆa, EspecializaciĆ³n en ImplantologĆa Oseointegradora con menciĆ³n en PrĆ³tesis)
Palabras clave
Diabetes Mellitus, CicatrizaciĆ³n