Propuesta de producto turístico : ecosenderismo terapéutico para personas de la tercera edad en la ciudad de Chillán
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La presente investigación representa la memoria de la tesis requerida para
obtener el título de Administrador en Ecoturismo de la Universidad Andrés Bello,
específicamente del campus Concepción en la Región del Biobío Chile.
El objetivo principal de este estudio fue desarrollar una propuesta de un producto
turístico innovador, que no se haya visto con anterioridad. Con un enfoque hacia
la salud y calidad de vida de las personas. Este producto está centrado para
personas de la tercera edad de la ciudad de Chillán, Capital de la Región de
Ñuble. Basándose en el ecoturismo como actividad central, con la inclusión de
una actividad terapéutica que ayuda a la salud física y mental de las personas
quienes lo practican, en este caso el chi kung o qigong.
Para llevar a cabo el desarrollo de la propuesta del producto turístico, la
investigación se enfocó en tres estudios iniciales, estudio de mercado, estudio
técnico y estudio financiero. Todos para evaluar y analizar los datos según los
intereses y capacidades de los futuros participantes, como se llevaría a cabo, de
qué forma, bajo qué orden, y finalmente si es que se proyectaría en un futuro y
fuera viable según las condiciones instaladas.
Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos, su metodología se desplego desarrollando
diversos instrumentos para facilitar la recopilación de información. Como, por
ejemplo, encuestas, entrevistas y flujos de caja. Estos instrumentos permitieron
profundizar en el interés de la comunidad local y turistas quienes buscan asistir
a actividades en la naturaleza y conocer herramientas para la salud integral de
cada uno. Como también obtener conocimientos según la experiencia de otros
desarrolladores turísticos de cómo llevar a cabo las actividades.
Los resultados más significativos del estudio incluyen las preferencias por las
actividades al aire libre, un gran interés del producto por parte de la población de
la ciudad, la adaptación, etc.
This research represents the thesis required to obtain the degree of Ecotourism Administrator from Andrés Bello University, specifically from the Concepción campus in the Biobío Region, Chile. The main objective of this study was to develop a proposal for an innovative tourism product that has not been seen before. With a focus on the health and quality of life of individuals, it aims to address potential issues that customers may have. This product is targeted towards the elderly population of Chillán, the capital of the Ñuble Region, centering around ecotourism as the core activity and incorporating a therapeutic element, specifically chi kung or qigong, which contributes to the physical and mental well-being of practitioners. To develop the tourism product proposal, the research focused on three initial studies: market study, technical study, and financial study. These studies aimed to evaluate and analyze data based on the interests and capabilities of future participants, examining how the product would be implemented, the methods involved, the sequence of events, and ultimately, whether it would be a viable project in the future given the current conditions. To achieve these objectives, the methodology deployed various instruments to facilitate data collection, such as surveys, interviews, and cash flow analyses. These instruments allowed a deeper understanding of the interest of the local community and tourists seeking nature-based activities and tools for their overall health. Additionally, insights were gained from the experiences of other tourism developers on how to conduct these activities. The most significant results of the study include preferences for outdoor activities, strong interest in the product from the city's population, adaptability.
This research represents the thesis required to obtain the degree of Ecotourism Administrator from Andrés Bello University, specifically from the Concepción campus in the Biobío Region, Chile. The main objective of this study was to develop a proposal for an innovative tourism product that has not been seen before. With a focus on the health and quality of life of individuals, it aims to address potential issues that customers may have. This product is targeted towards the elderly population of Chillán, the capital of the Ñuble Region, centering around ecotourism as the core activity and incorporating a therapeutic element, specifically chi kung or qigong, which contributes to the physical and mental well-being of practitioners. To develop the tourism product proposal, the research focused on three initial studies: market study, technical study, and financial study. These studies aimed to evaluate and analyze data based on the interests and capabilities of future participants, examining how the product would be implemented, the methods involved, the sequence of events, and ultimately, whether it would be a viable project in the future given the current conditions. To achieve these objectives, the methodology deployed various instruments to facilitate data collection, such as surveys, interviews, and cash flow analyses. These instruments allowed a deeper understanding of the interest of the local community and tourists seeking nature-based activities and tools for their overall health. Additionally, insights were gained from the experiences of other tourism developers on how to conduct these activities. The most significant results of the study include preferences for outdoor activities, strong interest in the product from the city's population, adaptability.
Tesis (Administrador en Ecoturismo)
Palabras clave
Senderos Ecoturísticos, Ecoturismo, Adultos Mayores, Recreación, Chile, Chillán.