Economía circular y métodos para medir la circularidad de un proyecto ingenieril
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En esta investigación se abordará un tema que actualmente se encuentra en boga,
y ha tomado mucha importancia y protagonismo alrededor del mundo. La Economía
Circular, un modelo de aprovechamiento de recursos y materiales, donde el foco
está en el concepto definido como las tres “R”, la reducción, la reutilización y el
reciclaje de los materiales.
Esta investigación tiene como finalidad seleccionar y aplicar un método para medir
la circularidad en un proyecto del área de la construcción en Chile. Para esto,
inicialmente se contextualizará la situación actual chilena respecto a los residuos y
la Economía Circular, en base a la “Hoja de ruta para un Chile circular al 2040”,
documento que presenta el panorama, la visión y la propuesta gubernamental para
combatir la crisis medioambiental, en base a la Economía Circular.
Posteriormente se realizará un estudio y comparación de 11 métodos para medir la
Economía Circular, lo que decantará en la selección de uno de estos métodos en
base a distintos criterios.
Finalmente, una vez definido y seleccionado el método de medición de circularidad,
se procederá a aplicar esta metodología a un proyecto de construcción de una
empresa activa en Chile, con el fin de obtener resultados que permitan dilucidar y
concluir que tan circular es el proyecto ingenieril de construcción bajo análisis y
cuáles son los factores que influyen de mayor manera en la circularidad del
proyecto. La metodología presentada y aplicada dentro de este trabajo puede servir
de guía para empresas que requieran medir la circularidad de sus proyectos.
This research will address a topic that is currently in vogue, and has taken much importance and prominence around the world. The Circular Economy, a model for the use of resources and materials, where the focus is on the concept defined as the three "R's", the reduction, reuse and recycling of materials. The purpose of this research is to select and apply a method to measure circularity in a construction project in Chile. For this, initially the current Chilean situation regarding waste and the Circular Economy will be contextualized, based on the "Roadmap for a circular Chile by 2040", a document that presents the outlook, vision and governmental proposal to combat the environmental crisis, based on the Circular Economy. Subsequently, a study and comparison of 11 methods to measure the Circular Economy will be carried out, which will lead to the selection of one of these methods based on different criteria. Finally, once the circularity measurement method has been defined and selected, we will proceed to apply this methodology to a construction project of an active company in Chile, in order to obtain results that allow us to elucidate and conclude how circular is the construction engineering project under analysis and which are the factors that most influence the circularity of the project. The methodology presented and applied in this work can serve as a guide for companies that need to measure the circularity of their projects.
This research will address a topic that is currently in vogue, and has taken much importance and prominence around the world. The Circular Economy, a model for the use of resources and materials, where the focus is on the concept defined as the three "R's", the reduction, reuse and recycling of materials. The purpose of this research is to select and apply a method to measure circularity in a construction project in Chile. For this, initially the current Chilean situation regarding waste and the Circular Economy will be contextualized, based on the "Roadmap for a circular Chile by 2040", a document that presents the outlook, vision and governmental proposal to combat the environmental crisis, based on the Circular Economy. Subsequently, a study and comparison of 11 methods to measure the Circular Economy will be carried out, which will lead to the selection of one of these methods based on different criteria. Finally, once the circularity measurement method has been defined and selected, we will proceed to apply this methodology to a construction project of an active company in Chile, in order to obtain results that allow us to elucidate and conclude how circular is the construction engineering project under analysis and which are the factors that most influence the circularity of the project. The methodology presented and applied in this work can serve as a guide for companies that need to measure the circularity of their projects.
Memoria (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
Economía Circular, Aprovechamiento de Desechos, Administración