La fragmentación del enfoque psicosocial de la intervención de los y las profesionales en los Programas de Reparación del Maltrato (PRM)
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El enfoque psicosocial es la manera en que los Programas de Reparación del
Maltrato (PRM) observan e intervienen el fenómeno del maltrato infantil. Durante el
desarrollo de la investigación se percibió como el enfoque se encuentra
fragmentado en el quehacer de los y las profesionales, perdiendo la integralidad que
lo caracteriza teórica y epistemológicamente. Dicha fragmentación sucede debido a
que, tanto los lineamientos técnicos de los programas de alta complejidad como la
Política Niñez y Adolescencia dividen al sujeto, no visualizándolo como un todo que
está en constante relación con sus diferentes sistemas.
Es relevante replantearse lo psicosocial al momento de planificar la intervención,
dado que el fenómeno del maltrato infantil es altamente complejo y necesita de un
enfoque que visualice todas sus aristas de comprensión.
The psychosocial approach is the way in which the Abuse Repair Programs (PRMs) observe and intervene the phenomenon of child abuse. During the development of the research it was perceived how the approach is fragmented in the work of professionals, losing the integrality that characterizes it theoretically and epistemologically. This fragmentation happens because, both the technical guidelines of the programs of high complexity and the Child and Adolescent Policy divide the subject, not visualizing it as a whole that is in constant relation to its different systems. It is relevant to rethink the psychosocial when planning the intervention, since the phenomenon of child abuse is highly complex and needs an approach that visualizes all its edges of understanding.
The psychosocial approach is the way in which the Abuse Repair Programs (PRMs) observe and intervene the phenomenon of child abuse. During the development of the research it was perceived how the approach is fragmented in the work of professionals, losing the integrality that characterizes it theoretically and epistemologically. This fragmentation happens because, both the technical guidelines of the programs of high complexity and the Child and Adolescent Policy divide the subject, not visualizing it as a whole that is in constant relation to its different systems. It is relevant to rethink the psychosocial when planning the intervention, since the phenomenon of child abuse is highly complex and needs an approach that visualizes all its edges of understanding.
Seminario de investigación Trabajador Social
Palabras clave
Programa de Protección Especializado Modalidad Maltrato Infantil Grave y Abuso Sexual (Chile), Intervención Social, Maltrato Infantil, Investigaciones