Infancia transgredida : escala de medición del Síndrome de Alineación Parental
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Este estudio analiza por medio de un alcance cuantitativo exploratorio, un fenómeno que he
visualizado como directora de la Oficina de Protección de Derechos Infantojuvenil de Palmilla
(En adelante OPD), que se manifiesta reiteradamente en la interacción con los progenitores
separados o divorciados de los niños/as o adolescentes (En adelante NNA) que son atendidos
e identificado como el Síndrome de Alienación Parental (En adelante SAP). Descrito, como
el rechazo injustificado del hijo/a al progenitor no custodio.
Asimismo, con la finalidad de detectar e identificar oportuna y fehacientemente, situaciones
de riesgo que afecten el debido desarrollo de un NNA y ejecutar las acciones pertinentes para
salvaguardar sus derechos y aminorar los daños ocasionados; se diseñó una “Escala de
Medición del SAP”, incluyéndose su concepto, 7 dimensiones, 57 interrogantes, 4 opciones
de respuesta tipo Likert, con 3 niveles puntuación y niveles de riesgo y con la novedad, de ser
una escala que incorpora la mirada del propio progenitor rechazado. Esto, basado en lo
propuesto por Garner, Aguilar, Zícavo y del estudio teórico. Instrumento validado por 13
jueces expertos/as en la materia, quienes calificaron la idoneidad de las interrogantes
planteadas para cada ítem por medio de 4 opciones tipo Likert, la que obtuvo una alta
valoración y aceptación de los encuestados y, por tanto, confiable para la detección de la
prevalencia del SAP.
This study analyzes, through an exploratory quantitative scope, a phenomenon that I have visualized as director of the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth Rights of Palmilla (hereinafter OPD), which repeatedly manifests itself in the interaction with the separated or divorced parents of the children. / as or adolescents (hereinafter NNA) who are treated and identified as Parental Alienation Syndrome (hereinafter SAP). Described as the child's unwarranted rejection of the non-custodial parent. Likewise, in order to timely and reliably detect and identify risk situations that affect the proper development of a child and adolescent and execute the pertinent actions to safeguard their rights and reduce the damage caused; A "SAP Measurement Scale" was designed, including its concept, 7 dimensions, 57 questions, 4 Likert-type response options, with 3 score levels and risk levels and with the novelty of being a scale that incorporates the perspective of the own rejected parent. This, based on what was proposed by Garner, Aguilar, Zícavo and the theoretical study. Instrument validated by 13 expert judges in the field, who rated the suitability of the questions posed for each item through 4 Likert-type options, which obtained a high assessment and acceptance of the respondents and, therefore, reliable for the evaluation. detection of PAS prevalence.
This study analyzes, through an exploratory quantitative scope, a phenomenon that I have visualized as director of the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth Rights of Palmilla (hereinafter OPD), which repeatedly manifests itself in the interaction with the separated or divorced parents of the children. / as or adolescents (hereinafter NNA) who are treated and identified as Parental Alienation Syndrome (hereinafter SAP). Described as the child's unwarranted rejection of the non-custodial parent. Likewise, in order to timely and reliably detect and identify risk situations that affect the proper development of a child and adolescent and execute the pertinent actions to safeguard their rights and reduce the damage caused; A "SAP Measurement Scale" was designed, including its concept, 7 dimensions, 57 questions, 4 Likert-type response options, with 3 score levels and risk levels and with the novelty of being a scale that incorporates the perspective of the own rejected parent. This, based on what was proposed by Garner, Aguilar, Zícavo and the theoretical study. Instrument validated by 13 expert judges in the field, who rated the suitability of the questions posed for each item through 4 Likert-type options, which obtained a high assessment and acceptance of the respondents and, therefore, reliable for the evaluation. detection of PAS prevalence.
Tesis (Magíster en Intervención Socio-Jurídica en Familia)
Palabras clave
Síndrome de Alineación Parental, Relaciones entre Padres e Hijos, Divorcio, Chile, Palmilla