DELIGHT: Deep Learning Identification of Galaxy Hosts of Transients using Multiresolution Images

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American Astronomical Society
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We present DELIGHT, or Deep Learning Identification of Galaxy Hosts of Transients, a new algorithm designed to automatically and in real time identify the host galaxies of extragalactic transients. The proposed algorithm receives as input compact, multiresolution images centered at the position of a transient candidate and outputs two-dimensional offset vectors that connect the transient with the center of its predicted host. The multiresolution input consists of a set of images with the same number of pixels, but with progressively larger pixel sizes and fields of view. A sample of 16,791 galaxies visually identified by the Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events broker team was used to train a convolutional neural network regression model. We show that this method is able to correctly identify both relatively large (10″ < r < 60″) and small (r ≤ 10″) apparent size host galaxies using much less information (32 kB) than with a large, single-resolution image (920 kB). The proposed method has fewer catastrophic errors in recovering the position and is more complete and has less contamination ([removed]
Indexación: Scopus.
Palabras clave
Supernovae, Galaxies, Astroinformatics, Astronomical object identification, Classification
Astronomical Journal, Volume 164, Issue 51, November 2022, Article number 195
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