Sistema de losas postensadas para fundaciones en arcillas expansivas
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Los sistemas de Losas Postensadas en arcillas expansivas, han tenido una amplia
difusión en Estados Unidos, como consecuencia de la búsqueda de alternativas de
fundación sobre este tipo de suelos.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal, exponer el sistema de losas postensadas,
como solución de fundación para arcillas expansivas, y su aplicación en nuestro país,
además de plantear y analizar las variables que fundamentan la problemática de este tipo
de suelos en las fundaciones. Finalmente realizar un análisis técnico económico del
sistema y compararlo con soluciones tradicionales.
El desarrollo del tema se fundamentó en el conocimiento de la arcilla expansiva, su
problemática y los elementos que componen el sistema. Sin embargo, la metodología y
conceptos de diseño, se extrajeron de la normativa y experiencia, recopilada de Instituto
del postensado de Texas, Estados Unidos. Para esto último fue necesario, investigar las
variables relacionas con el clima, de manera de convalidar el sistema a la realidad
Se concluye que el sistema de Losas Postensadas sobre Arcillas Expansivas, tiene
grandes ventajas técnicas y económicas, si bien su utilización esta limitada por las
variables que fundamentan su diseño, esta debe ser considerada como una alternativa
concreta, y aplicable, dentro de las ya conocidas en nuestro país. De todas maneras se
espera un incremento de su utilización, una vez que el sistema sea mayormente
The systems of post tensioning slab on the ground have been widely disseminated in the United States, as a result of the search for alternatives foundation on such soils. This investigation has as its main objective, to expose the system of slabs post tensioning as foundation for solving expansive clays, and its application in our country, as well as raise and analyze the variables that underlies the problem of this type of soil foundations. Finally conduct a technical and economic analysis of the system and compare it with traditional solutions. The development of this theme was based on the knowledge of the expansive clay, their problems and the elements of the system. However, the methodology and design concepts, were extracted from the standard and experience gathered from the Post Tensioning Institute of Texas, USA. Finally it was necessary to investigate the related variables climate in order to validate the system in to the national reality. It concludes that the system of post tensioned slabs on expansive clay, has great technical and economic advantages, although its use is limited by the variables behind its design, this should be considered as an alternative practicaI and applícable, within the already known in our country. Anyway it is expeeted an increase in its use, once the system is most widespread.
The systems of post tensioning slab on the ground have been widely disseminated in the United States, as a result of the search for alternatives foundation on such soils. This investigation has as its main objective, to expose the system of slabs post tensioning as foundation for solving expansive clays, and its application in our country, as well as raise and analyze the variables that underlies the problem of this type of soil foundations. Finally conduct a technical and economic analysis of the system and compare it with traditional solutions. The development of this theme was based on the knowledge of the expansive clay, their problems and the elements of the system. However, the methodology and design concepts, were extracted from the standard and experience gathered from the Post Tensioning Institute of Texas, USA. Finally it was necessary to investigate the related variables climate in order to validate the system in to the national reality. It concludes that the system of post tensioned slabs on expansive clay, has great technical and economic advantages, although its use is limited by the variables behind its design, this should be considered as an alternative practicaI and applícable, within the already known in our country. Anyway it is expeeted an increase in its use, once the system is most widespread.
Tesis (Ingeniero Constructor)
Palabras clave
Losas de Hormigón.