Prevalencia de eventos adversos en centros de hemodiálisis
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Los centros de diálisis son unidades complejas que predisponen la ocurrencia de eventos adversos (EA); éstos
son un problema grave en todo el mundo, uno de cada 10 pacientes sufre un evento adverso durante la hospitalización. Objetivo: Determinar los eventos adversos que ocurren con mayor frecuencia en centros de hemodiálisis crónica. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, retrospectivo, realizado en tres centros
de hemodiálisis del Sur de Chile. Resultados: En 241 pacientes evaluados hubo una prevalencia de un 75% de
eventos adversos; la hipotensión fue la más frecuente con un 36,04% del total de EA. Hubo diferencias entre
las prevalencias de cada centro (p-valor < 0,05). Conclusiones: Durante un mes de tratamiento, 7 de cada 10
pacientes en hemodiálisis presentan eventos adversos; si bien la prevalencia en esta población puede ser similar,
pareciera haber diferencias asociadas a las prácticas clínicas de cada centro, advirtiendo esfuerzos urgentes en
seguridad del paciente.
Dialysis centers are complex units prone to the occurrence of adverse events (AE), which are a serious problem throughout world, as it is known that 1 in 10 patients suffers an adverse event during hospitalization. Objective: To determine which adverse events happen most frequently in chronic hemodialysis centers. Material and methods: Descriptive, quantitative, retrospective study, conducted in three hemodialysis centers, in the South of Chile. Results: There was a 75% prevalence of adverse events among the 241 patients evaluated; hypotension was the most frequent with 36.04% prevalence. There were differences between the prevalence rates in each center (p-value < 0.05). Conclusions: During one month of treatment, 7 out of 10 patients undergoing hemodialysis present an adverse event; although the prevalence of adverse events in this population may be similar, there seems to be differences associated with the clinical practices of each center, noting that urgent efforts are needed regarding safety patient
Dialysis centers are complex units prone to the occurrence of adverse events (AE), which are a serious problem throughout world, as it is known that 1 in 10 patients suffers an adverse event during hospitalization. Objective: To determine which adverse events happen most frequently in chronic hemodialysis centers. Material and methods: Descriptive, quantitative, retrospective study, conducted in three hemodialysis centers, in the South of Chile. Results: There was a 75% prevalence of adverse events among the 241 patients evaluated; hypotension was the most frequent with 36.04% prevalence. There were differences between the prevalence rates in each center (p-value < 0.05). Conclusions: During one month of treatment, 7 out of 10 patients undergoing hemodialysis present an adverse event; although the prevalence of adverse events in this population may be similar, there seems to be differences associated with the clinical practices of each center, noting that urgent efforts are needed regarding safety patient
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Palabras clave
Bloqueo de catéter, Aurolidina, Hemodiálisis, Acontecimiento adverso, Enfermería nefrología, Seguridad del paciente
Ciencia y Enfermeria Volume 24 2018 Article number 7