Optimizando la regeneración ósea : análisis de parámetros determinantes : revisión sistemática
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Los injertos óseos han sido un importante avance en los tratamientos
rehabilitadores destinados a abordar pérdidas de volumen óseo, actualmente el autoinjerto
sigue considerándose el Gold Standard por cumplir con los mecanismos propios de la
regeneración ósea. El propósito de esta revisión fue la realización de una evaluación
comparativa de diferentes injertos óseos de distintos orígenes, clasificarlos en base a su
desempeño y lograr establecer cuál logra los resultados más predecibles, enfocado en el
porcentaje de hueso neoformado (NBF) y de injerto residual (RG) vinculado a cada
uno. Para tal fin, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda electrónica en las bases de datos Medline,
a través de Pubmed, Scopus y Science Direct para identificar ensayos controlados
aleatorios (ECA) publicados hasta marzo de 2017, que evaluaron los resultados
histomorfométricos de las variables de aloinjerto (AG), xenoinjerto (XG) y hueso
aloplástico (AP). Si bien se evidenció hueso formado en todas las muestras (aloinjerto,
xenoinjerto y hueso aloplástico), los mejores resultados se observaron en los aloinjertos,
con mayores porcentajes de hueso neoformado y bajas cantidades de injerto residual. Esto
demuestra que existe relación entre la efectividad del injerto y los procesos previos a los
cuales es sometido para su preparación, como los métodos de esterilización y
almacenamiento, así como el grado de reabsorción y estabilidad que pueden tener, con
respecto al tipo de hueso cortical, esponjoso o corticoesponjoso que constituye al injerto
propiamente tal.
Bone grafts have been an important advance in rehabilitative treatments aimed at addressing bone volume losses. Currently, autograft is still considered the Gold Standard for complying with the mechanisms of bone regeneration. The purpose of this review was to carry out a comparative evaluation of different bone grafts from different origins, classify them based on their performance and establish which one achieves the most predictable results, focused on the percentage of newly formed bone (NBF) and residual graft. . (RG) linked to each one. For this purpose, an electronic search was carried out in the Medline databases, through Pubmed, Scopus and Science Direct to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published until March 2017, which evaluated the histomorphometric results of the variables of allograft (AG), xenograft (XG) and alloplastic bone (AP). Although formed bone is evident in all samples (allograft, xenograft and alloplastic bone), the best results were observed in the allografts, with higher percentages of newly formed bone and low amounts of residual graft. This shows that there is a relationship between the effectiveness of the graft and the previous processes to which they are subjected for their preparation, such as sterilization and storage methods, as well as the degree of resorption and stability they may have, with respect to the type of cortical bone, spongy or cortico-spongy that constitutes the graft itself.
Bone grafts have been an important advance in rehabilitative treatments aimed at addressing bone volume losses. Currently, autograft is still considered the Gold Standard for complying with the mechanisms of bone regeneration. The purpose of this review was to carry out a comparative evaluation of different bone grafts from different origins, classify them based on their performance and establish which one achieves the most predictable results, focused on the percentage of newly formed bone (NBF) and residual graft. . (RG) linked to each one. For this purpose, an electronic search was carried out in the Medline databases, through Pubmed, Scopus and Science Direct to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published until March 2017, which evaluated the histomorphometric results of the variables of allograft (AG), xenograft (XG) and alloplastic bone (AP). Although formed bone is evident in all samples (allograft, xenograft and alloplastic bone), the best results were observed in the allografts, with higher percentages of newly formed bone and low amounts of residual graft. This shows that there is a relationship between the effectiveness of the graft and the previous processes to which they are subjected for their preparation, such as sterilization and storage methods, as well as the degree of resorption and stability they may have, with respect to the type of cortical bone, spongy or cortico-spongy that constitutes the graft itself.
Proyecto de título (Cirujano Dentista)
Palabras clave
Regeneración Ósea, Trasplante Óseo, Evaluación