Vivencia de equipos de rehabilitación frente al Equilibrio Ocupacional
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Licencia CC
Licencia CC
El siguiente estudio pone su foco en analizar cómo los profesionales de un Equipo de Rehabilitación, funcionarios de un Centro de Salud Familiar ubicado en Valparaíso, vivencian el Equilibrio Ocupacional en su día a día otorgándole a éste un propósito y sentido personal, por consiguiente se dará a conocer cómo distribuyen sus tiempos y también cómo coordinan sus ocupaciones diarias, factores que impactan de manera directa en su Equilibrio Ocupacional de forma positiva o negativamente, influyendo así en la calidad de vida de estos.
Para esto se utilizará un análisis cualitativo, lo que arrojará datos que son medibles en la calidad y cualidad de los relatos brindados por los sujetos de estudio.
The following study focuses on how the professionals of a Rehabilitation Team, officials of a Family Health Center located in Valparaíso, experience the Occupational Balance in their day to day giving it a personal purpose and meaning, therefore it will be given to know how they distribute their times and also how they coordinate their daily occupations, factors that directly impact their Occupational Balance in a positive or negative way, thus influencing their quality of life. For this, a qualitative analysis will be used, which will yield data that are measurable in the quality and quality of the stories provided by the study subjects.
The following study focuses on how the professionals of a Rehabilitation Team, officials of a Family Health Center located in Valparaíso, experience the Occupational Balance in their day to day giving it a personal purpose and meaning, therefore it will be given to know how they distribute their times and also how they coordinate their daily occupations, factors that directly impact their Occupational Balance in a positive or negative way, thus influencing their quality of life. For this, a qualitative analysis will be used, which will yield data that are measurable in the quality and quality of the stories provided by the study subjects.
Tesis (Terapia Ocupacional)
Palabras clave
Terapeutas Ocupacionales, Equilibrio Ocupacional, Trabajo-Vida, Servicios de Salud, Desequilibrio Ocupacional, Áreas de Desempeño, Calidad de Vida