Análisis normativo para la reutilización de tablestacas de acero en Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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En Chile, las tablestacas de acero recuperadas de las obras provisorias son
desechadas y refundidas, mientras que en países de Europa estas tablestacas recuperadas
están siendo reutilizadas en diversos proyectos, evitando de esta manera la fundición y las
emanaciones de CO2 que provienen de ésta. Para comprender esta diferencia se observó
una comparación normativa entre el Eurocódigo, y la Normativa Chilena, primero
analizando la normativa del acero, encontrando diferencias poco significativas en cuanto a
su composición y ensayos exigidos. Luego de esta comparación se observó un análisis del
elemento, la tablestaca de acero, donde el principal hallazgo es la ausencia de normativa
en Chile. A pesar del hallazgo se identifica una normativa chilena que contiene requisitos
técnicos para las tolerancias dimensionales y de integridad que tienen similitud con la
normativa europea. Con el análisis realizado, el autor expone recomendaciones que pueden
dar paso a una posible reutilización en un futuro.
In Chile, steel sheet piles recovered from temporary works are discarded and recast, while in European countries these recovered sheet piles are being reused in various projects, thus avoiding smelting and the CO2 emissions that come from it. To understand this difference, a regulatory comparison was observed between the Eurocode and the Chilean Regulations, first analyzing the steel regulations, finding insignificant differences in terms of its composition and required tests. After this comparison, an analysis of the element, the steel sheet pile, was observed, where the main finding is the absence of regulations in Chile. Despite the finding, a Chilean regulation is identified that contains technical requirements for dimensional and integrity tolerances that are similar to European regulations. With the analysis carried out, the author presents recommendations that can lead to possible reuse in the future.
In Chile, steel sheet piles recovered from temporary works are discarded and recast, while in European countries these recovered sheet piles are being reused in various projects, thus avoiding smelting and the CO2 emissions that come from it. To understand this difference, a regulatory comparison was observed between the Eurocode and the Chilean Regulations, first analyzing the steel regulations, finding insignificant differences in terms of its composition and required tests. After this comparison, an analysis of the element, the steel sheet pile, was observed, where the main finding is the absence of regulations in Chile. Despite the finding, a Chilean regulation is identified that contains technical requirements for dimensional and integrity tolerances that are similar to European regulations. With the analysis carried out, the author presents recommendations that can lead to possible reuse in the future.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniero Civil)
Palabras clave
Tablestacado de Acero, Reutilización, Normas, Chile