Factibilidad del uso de la geotermia de baja entalpía en las comunas de Los Andes, San Felipe, Región de Valparaíso, Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La energía geotérmica, es una energía renovable no convencional que permite el aprovechamiento
del calor interno de la Tierra como una forma de energía. Existen tres distintos tipos de reservorios
geotérmicos, este proyecto se centra en los reservorios de baja entalpía (T° menores a 90°C).
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el potencial geotérmico de baja entalpía
en las Comunas de Los Andes y San Felipe, con el fin de generar una forma de climatización para
hogares e invernaderos, de manera económica y amigable con el medio ambiente. Lo anterior se
lleva a cabo mediante una recopilación bibliográfica, tratamiento de imágenes multiespectrales,
estudio de parámetros fisicoquímicos, propiedades térmicas y geológicas, que permiten determinar
temperaturas ambientales, superficiales y subterráneas de la zona de estudio.
Para determinar la cantidad de energía extraíble disponible en la zona, se desarrolla una campaña
de muestreo durante los días 4 a 7 de octubre del año 2022. Esta campaña permitió muestrear 15
pozos, donde se determinaron parámetros fisicoquímicos, tales como pH, temperatura,
conductividad eléctrica y nivel piezométrico. Los datos se trabajan mediante la ecuación de Hillel
(1982), estableciendo de esta manera que a una profundidad de 17 metros se mantiene una
temperatura constante de 15°C, sosteniéndose esta condición hasta los 25 metros de profundidad.
Luego, utilizando la ecuación propuesta por Arola et al. (2014), se establece que la cantidad de
energía extraíble para un caudal promedio de 15 L/seg es de 313,95 kW.
Por lo tanto, en base la composición litológica, características geomorfológicas, temperaturas de
las aguas subterráneas y temperaturas superficiales, se determina que las comunas de Los Andes y
San Felipe califican como un reservorio geotérmico de muy baja entalpía, supliendo la demanda
de climatización para casas de 58 m2 e invernaderos de 120 m2.
Geothermal energy is a non-conventional renewable energy that allows to use of the internal heat of the Earth as a form of energy. There are three different types of geothermal reservoirs, this project focuses on low enthalpy reservoirs (T° less than 90°C). The main objective of this study is to evaluate the low enthalpy geothermal potential at the Los Andes and San Felipe Municipalities, in order to generate a form of air conditioning system for homes and greenhouses, economically and environmentally friendly. The above is carried out through a bibliographic compilation, multispectral image processing, study of physicochemical parameters, thermal and geological properties, which allow determining ambient, surface and underground temperatures of the study area. To determine the amount of extractable energy available in the area, a sampling campaign is carried out from October 4th to 7th, 2022. This campaign allowed the evaluation of samples taken from 15 wells, where physicochemical parameters such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity and piezometric level were determined. The data is worked through the Hillel equation (1982), establishing in this way that at a depth of 17 meters a constant temperature of 15°C is maintained, maintaining this condition up to a depth of 25 meters. Then, using the equation proposed by Arola et al. (2014), it is established that the amount of extractable energy for an average flow of 15 L/sec is 313.95 kW. Therefore, based on the lithological composition, geomorphological characteristics, groundwater temperatures and surface temperatures, we can determinate that the Los Andes and San Felipe municipalities, qualify as a very low enthalpy geothermal reservoir, supplying the demand for air conditioning for houses of 58 mts2 and greenhouses of 120 mts2
Geothermal energy is a non-conventional renewable energy that allows to use of the internal heat of the Earth as a form of energy. There are three different types of geothermal reservoirs, this project focuses on low enthalpy reservoirs (T° less than 90°C). The main objective of this study is to evaluate the low enthalpy geothermal potential at the Los Andes and San Felipe Municipalities, in order to generate a form of air conditioning system for homes and greenhouses, economically and environmentally friendly. The above is carried out through a bibliographic compilation, multispectral image processing, study of physicochemical parameters, thermal and geological properties, which allow determining ambient, surface and underground temperatures of the study area. To determine the amount of extractable energy available in the area, a sampling campaign is carried out from October 4th to 7th, 2022. This campaign allowed the evaluation of samples taken from 15 wells, where physicochemical parameters such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity and piezometric level were determined. The data is worked through the Hillel equation (1982), establishing in this way that at a depth of 17 meters a constant temperature of 15°C is maintained, maintaining this condition up to a depth of 25 meters. Then, using the equation proposed by Arola et al. (2014), it is established that the amount of extractable energy for an average flow of 15 L/sec is 313.95 kW. Therefore, based on the lithological composition, geomorphological characteristics, groundwater temperatures and surface temperatures, we can determinate that the Los Andes and San Felipe municipalities, qualify as a very low enthalpy geothermal reservoir, supplying the demand for air conditioning for houses of 58 mts2 and greenhouses of 120 mts2
Tesis (Geólogo)
Palabras clave
Proyectos de Inversión, Evaluación, Ingeniería Geotérmica, Climatización, Investigaciones, Chile, Los Andes, San Felipe