Programa Centros Diurnos del Adulto Mayor: Recomendaciones para mejorar su funcionamiento

dc.contributor.authorAraya, A.-X.
dc.contributor.authorIriarte, E.
dc.contributor.authorRioja, R.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, G.
dc.descriptionIndexación: Scopus.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Chile has become a country that continues to grow at an accelerated pace. One of the key pieces of the Comprehensive Policy for Positive Aging for Chile is the development of Day Centers for the Elderly (CDPM) directed elderly at the foot of the dependency. Objective: To know the perception of a group of PMs, their caregivers and professionals of their participation in the CDPM with the purpose of designing recommendations to improve this new type of geriatric service established in the country. Methodology: Qualitative descriptive study performed in 30 participants through 4 focus groups: 2 in elderly (n=12), 1 with caregivers (n=8) and 1 with center professionals (n=10). Results: Two main comprehensive categories were identified: 1) Perception of benefits for elderly: improvement of functionality, increase of well-being and insertion of the social mayor, 2) Recommendations for improvement of CDPM: Criteria for inclusive income, flexibility and diversity in activities stipulated and Improvements in egress. Conclusions: The elderly, their caregivers and the professionals who attend them are consistent in pointing out that elderly assistance to this type of service reports benefits in its functionality, well-being and social insertion. This study contributes to broadening the understanding of results in the uses of CDPM by reporting an experience in a particular social context. © 2018 Spanish Publishers Associate. All rights reserved.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Chile has become a country that continues to grow at an accelerated pace. One of the key pieces of the Comprehensive Policy for Positive Aging for Chile is the development of Day Centers for the Elderly (CDPM) directed elderly at the foot of the dependency. Objective: To know the perception of a group of PMs, their caregivers and professionals of their participation in the CDPM with the purpose of designing recommendations to improve this new type of geriatric service established in the country. Methodology: Qualitative descriptive study performed in 30 participants through 4 focus groups: 2 in elderly (n=12), 1 with caregivers (n=8) and 1 with center professionals (n=10). Results: Two main comprehensive categories were identified: 1) Perception of benefits for elderly: improvement of functionality, increase of well-being and insertion of the social mayor, 2) Recommendations for improvement of CDPM: Criteria for inclusive income, flexibility and diversity in activities stipulated and Improvements in egress. Conclusions: The elderly, their caregivers and the professionals who attend them are consistent in pointing out that elderly assistance to this type of service reports benefits in its functionality, well-being and social insertion. This study contributes to broadening the understanding of results in the uses of CDPM by reporting an experience in a particular social context.
dc.identifier.citationGerokomos, 29(1), pp. 9-12.es_ES
dc.publisherSpanish Publishers Associatees_ES
dc.subjectCommunity health serviceses_ES
dc.subjectQualitative researches_ES
dc.titlePrograma Centros Diurnos del Adulto Mayor: Recomendaciones para mejorar su funcionamientoes_ES
dc.title.alternativeElderly day care centers: Recommendations for improvementes_ES
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