A las sombras del aula : desentrañando la violencia escolar en Valparaíso a través del análisis de la significación discursiva de los equipos de convivencia en tres instituciones educativas
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El estudio se sumerge en una exploración profunda de las percepciones de los
Equipos de Convivencia en tres instituciones educativas en Valparaíso, enfocándose
en el fenómeno de la violencia escolar. Este análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental
desentrañar las complejidades que rodean la violencia en el ámbito educativo,
centrándose en dos dimensiones clave: la vulnerabilidad escolar y la reproducción
cultural. Estas dimensiones se abordan a través de las significaciones discursivas de
los equipos, tomando como línea epistemológica a la Hermenéutica, proporcionando
una comprensión más rica y contextualizada de la problemática. La metodología
utilizada, basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas en diversas instituciones
educativas, permite una inmersión profunda en las experiencias y percepciones de
los actores claves: los miembros de los Equipos de Convivencia. El análisis de los
relatos recopilados no solo identifica manifestaciones de violencia escolar, sino que
también arroja luz sobre las causas subyacentes y los factores que influyen en este
fenómeno, según la perspectiva de estos equipos. Además, el estudio no se limita a
la identificación de problemas, sino que se adentra en la exploración de las estrategias
empleadas por los Equipos de Convivencia para prevenir y abordar situaciones de
violencia escolar. Esto no solo ofrece una visión integral de la problemática, sino que
también apunta hacia posibles soluciones y enfoques efectivos. Los resultados del
informe subrayan la interrelación compleja entre los estudiantes y sus familias, los
establecimientos educativos y el Estado en su papel como impulsor de políticas
públicas. Estos actores influyen en aspectos estructurales, protocolares, preventivos
y reactivos, destacando la necesidad de un enfoque integral y colaborativo para
abordar eficazmente la violencia escolar.
The study explores deeply into the perceptions of Educational Teams in three educational institutions in Valparaíso, focusing on the phenomenon of school violence. The main objective of this analysis is to unravel the complexities surrounding violence in the educational environment, focusing on two key dimensions: school vulnerability and school cultural reproduction. These dimensions are approached through the discursive meanings of the teams, having hermeneutics as an epistemological line, providing a richer and contextualized understanding of the problem. The methodology used, based on semi-structured interviews in different educational institutions, allows a deep immersion in the experiences and perceptions of the key actors: the members of the Educational Teams. The analysis of the collected accounts not only identifies manifestations of school violence, but also sheds light on the underlying causes and factors that influence this phenomenon, according to the perspective of these teams. Furthermore, the study is not limited to the identification of problems but delves into the exploration of the strategies employed by the Educational Teams to prevent and address situations of school violence. This not only offers a comprehensive view of the problem, but also points to possible solutions and effective approaches. The results of the report underline the complex interrelationship between students and their families, educational institutions, and the State in its role as a driver of public policies. These actors influence structural, protocol, preventive and reactive aspects, highlighting the need for a holistic and collaborative approach to effectively address school violence. A detailed understanding of these dynamics provides a solid basis for identifying areas of intervention that can significantly improve school coexistence and foster a safe and healthy educational environment.
The study explores deeply into the perceptions of Educational Teams in three educational institutions in Valparaíso, focusing on the phenomenon of school violence. The main objective of this analysis is to unravel the complexities surrounding violence in the educational environment, focusing on two key dimensions: school vulnerability and school cultural reproduction. These dimensions are approached through the discursive meanings of the teams, having hermeneutics as an epistemological line, providing a richer and contextualized understanding of the problem. The methodology used, based on semi-structured interviews in different educational institutions, allows a deep immersion in the experiences and perceptions of the key actors: the members of the Educational Teams. The analysis of the collected accounts not only identifies manifestations of school violence, but also sheds light on the underlying causes and factors that influence this phenomenon, according to the perspective of these teams. Furthermore, the study is not limited to the identification of problems but delves into the exploration of the strategies employed by the Educational Teams to prevent and address situations of school violence. This not only offers a comprehensive view of the problem, but also points to possible solutions and effective approaches. The results of the report underline the complex interrelationship between students and their families, educational institutions, and the State in its role as a driver of public policies. These actors influence structural, protocol, preventive and reactive aspects, highlighting the need for a holistic and collaborative approach to effectively address school violence. A detailed understanding of these dynamics provides a solid basis for identifying areas of intervention that can significantly improve school coexistence and foster a safe and healthy educational environment.
Seminario (Trabajador/a Social)
Palabras clave
Violencia Escolar, Investigaciones, Chile, Valparaíso