Strategies to foster real inclusion of students with borderline intellectual functioning in EFL classes : a multiple case study at Nazca Belén and Gabriela Mistral schools in the fifth region of Chile
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Esta investigación apuntó a determinar si la inclusión real era posible al momento del proceso de aprendizaje del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera dentro de dos establecimientos ubicados en la comuna de Quilpué, Chile. El estudio fue llevado a cabo como estudio de caso múltiple, ya que éste tuvo como objeto de estudio a tres estudiantes diagnosticados con Funcionamiento Intelectual Limítrofe (FIL) de establecimientos educacionales distintos. Este estudio fue realizado mediante la observación de la implementación de distintas estrategias especialmente sugeridas para trabajar con alumnos con alguna Necesidad Educativa Especial (NEE) de carácter intelectual o cognitivo. Los investigadores observaron que la mayoría de dichas estrategias funcionaron bastante bien en el contexto de los estudiantes, mientras que otras no funcionaron tan bien, esto debido al gran número de estudiantes por curso, la estructura de la sala, y la baja asistencia de algunos de los alumnos en estudio, siendo estas las mayores dificultades para implementar prácticas inclusivas de manera completa.
Aun así, con todos estos obstáculos y e impedimentos, se concluyó que trabajar con alumnos con FIL en la clase de inglés es de hecho posible.
Basándose en estos descubrimientos, algunas estrategias son sugeridas como las más efectivas para trabajar con alumnos con FIL en la clase de inglés.
This study aimed at determining whether real inclusion when learning English as a Foreign language was feasible in EFL classes of two schools in Quilpué, Chile. The research was carried out as a multiple case study, since it targeted only three students diagnosed with Borderline Intellectual Functioning (BIF). This study was done by observing the implementation of some strategies especially suggested for students with some intellectual or cognitive Special Educational Need (SEN). The researchers observed that most of the suggested strategies worked very well in the context of the students, while a few others did not work as well. Mainly, the large amount of the students per class, classroom arrangement, and student’s low attendance were some of the hindrances to fully implement inclusive practices. Nevertheless, with all the difficulties and disincentives, it is actually possible to work inclusively with BIF students in an EFL class. Based on these findings, some strategies are suggested as the most effective ones to work with BIF students in an EFL classroom.
This study aimed at determining whether real inclusion when learning English as a Foreign language was feasible in EFL classes of two schools in Quilpué, Chile. The research was carried out as a multiple case study, since it targeted only three students diagnosed with Borderline Intellectual Functioning (BIF). This study was done by observing the implementation of some strategies especially suggested for students with some intellectual or cognitive Special Educational Need (SEN). The researchers observed that most of the suggested strategies worked very well in the context of the students, while a few others did not work as well. Mainly, the large amount of the students per class, classroom arrangement, and student’s low attendance were some of the hindrances to fully implement inclusive practices. Nevertheless, with all the difficulties and disincentives, it is actually possible to work inclusively with BIF students in an EFL class. Based on these findings, some strategies are suggested as the most effective ones to work with BIF students in an EFL classroom.
Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Media y Básica, Licenciado en Educación)
Palabras clave
Necesidades Educativas Especiales, Enseñanza Básica (Chile), Inglés