Observaciones sobre trastornos temporomandibulares: prioridades de investigación y atención: ¿cómo avanzará Chile?
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Los trastornos temporomandibulares son complejos trastornos multisistémicos para los que, lamentablemente, siguen prevaleciendo los enfoques tradicionales odontocéntricos comunes de la investigación y la atención. Un comité designado por las Academias Nacionales de Ciencias, Ingeniería y Medicina de los Estados Unidos de América resumió importantes recomendaciones relativas a la urgente necesidad de transformar, desde el modelo predominantemente biomédico, la investigación, la educación/formación profesional y la atención al paciente para los trastornos temporomandibulares en el modelo biopsicosocial que es estándar en el resto de la medicina del dolor. La publicación del informe del estudio de consenso identifica once recomendaciones de corto y largo plazo respecto a brechas y oportunidades orientadas a la situación en Estados Unidos, que son igualmente aplicables a la situación en Chile. Las primeras cuatro recomendaciones se centran en la investigación básica y traslacional, la investigación en salud pública y el fortalecimiento de la investigación clínica. Las tres recomendaciones siguientes se refieren a la evaluación de riesgos, el diagnóstico y la difusión de guías de práctica clínica y métricas asistenciales para mejorar la atención de los pacientes y ampliar su acceso. Las recomendaciones octavas a décima proponen centros de excelencia para el tratamiento de los trastornos temporomandibulares y el dolor orofacial, la mejora de la formación en los centros profesionales y la ampliación de la formación continua especializada para los profesionales sanitarios. La undécima recomendación se centra en la educación de los pacientes y la reducción del estigma. Este artículo destaca las recomendaciones publicadas y aborda lo que debiesen considerar los profesionales chilenos, como primer paso hacia un gran esfuerzo por cambiar los paradigmas de investigación, tratamiento y educación sobre los trastornos temporomandibulares para los próximos años.
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) are complex multi-system disorders for which com-mon traditional dental-centric approaches to research and care unfortunately continue to pre-vail. A Committee appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAM) of the United States of America summarized important recommendations regarding the urgent need to transform, from the predominantly biomedical model, the research, professional education/training, and patient care for TMDs into the biopsychosocial model that is standard in the rest of pain medicine. The release of the Consensus Study Report identifies eleven short-term and long-term recommendations regarding gaps and opportunities oriented towards the situation in the US, which are equally applicable to the situation in Chile. The first four recommendations focus on basic and translational research, public health research and strengthening clinical research. The next three recommendations concern risk assessment, diagnostics, and dissemination of clinical practice guidelines and care metrics to improve patient care and expand its access. Recommendations eight to ten propose Centers of Excellence for Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain Treatment, improving professional school education, and expanding specialized continuing education for healthcare providers. The eleventh recommendation focuses on patient education and stigma reduction. This discussion below highlights the pub-lished recommendations and addresses what should be considered by Chilean professionals, as a first step of a major effort to shift TMD research, treatment, and education paradigms for the years to come. © 2023, Medwave Estudios Ltda. All rights reserved. Author keywords:chronic pain; diagnosis; health care; pain management; Temporomandibular disorders
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs) are complex multi-system disorders for which com-mon traditional dental-centric approaches to research and care unfortunately continue to pre-vail. A Committee appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAM) of the United States of America summarized important recommendations regarding the urgent need to transform, from the predominantly biomedical model, the research, professional education/training, and patient care for TMDs into the biopsychosocial model that is standard in the rest of pain medicine. The release of the Consensus Study Report identifies eleven short-term and long-term recommendations regarding gaps and opportunities oriented towards the situation in the US, which are equally applicable to the situation in Chile. The first four recommendations focus on basic and translational research, public health research and strengthening clinical research. The next three recommendations concern risk assessment, diagnostics, and dissemination of clinical practice guidelines and care metrics to improve patient care and expand its access. Recommendations eight to ten propose Centers of Excellence for Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain Treatment, improving professional school education, and expanding specialized continuing education for healthcare providers. The eleventh recommendation focuses on patient education and stigma reduction. This discussion below highlights the pub-lished recommendations and addresses what should be considered by Chilean professionals, as a first step of a major effort to shift TMD research, treatment, and education paradigms for the years to come. © 2023, Medwave Estudios Ltda. All rights reserved. Author keywords:chronic pain; diagnosis; health care; pain management; Temporomandibular disorders
Indexación: Scopus
Palabras clave
Trastornos Temporomandibulares, Diagnóstico, Manejo del Dolor, Dolor Crónico, Atención Médica
Medwave. Volume 23, Issue 1. January-February 2023. Article number e2648