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Ítem CONCORDANCE OF THE VESTIBULAR BONE THICKNESS AT THE LEVEL OF POINT A BETWEEN TELERADIOGRAPHY AND CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY(Universidad de Concepcion, 2023-04) Vergara, Carolina; Espinoza, Sebastián; González, Paulina; Martens, Camila; Rojas, Patricio; Córdova, PedroObjective: The aim of this study was to determine the concordance of the vestibular bone thickness measured at the level of point A between Teleradiography and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: This study consisted of a cross-sectional analytical design of concordance that evaluated the teleradiographies and CBCTs of 32 patients. The measurements were performed by three evaluators, specialists in orthodontics. Two of them measured the CBCTs and one evaluated the teleradiographs. The concordance of both tests was determined using the Concordance Correlation Coefficient. Results: When evaluating the value of the vestibular bone thickness at the level of point A between the CBCT and the teleradiography, it was observed that the mean value of the absolute difference between the two was 0.9540.74, 95%CI [0.68–1.22], being statistically significant (p=0.0027). When the concordance between both tests was analyzed, it was observed that it was poor (CCC=0.204 95%CI [0.014–0.394]), although statistically significant (p<0.00001). Conclusions: It was possible to conclude that there is no concordance in the measurement of the vestibular bone thickness at the level of Point A between the Teleradiography and the CBCT. © 2023.Ítem Oral lichen planus: recommendations for diagnosis and treatment(Ediciones Avances S.L., 2022) Jajam Maturana, M.; Niklander Ebensperger, S.Lichen planus is a chronic immunological disorder affecting skin and mucous membranes, being the oral cavity one of the more affected areas even as a first or only manifestation of the disease. Its etiology is unclear, but it has been associated with the activation of autoimmune mechanisms. Oral lichen planus (OLP) has a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations including a variety of white lesions, red lesions or a combination of both. In addition, its histopathological features are not always specific. Because of the above, the diagnosis of OLP can be challenging, especially for clinicians who are not entirely familiarized with the disease. OLP treatment is aimed in reducing pain and discomfort, usually with topical steroids. If treatment with topical steroids is unsuccessful, second line treatments include calcineurin inhibitors and systemic steroids. Care has to be taken when using these drugs as they can have considerable adverse side effects. OLP is classified by the WHO as a potentially malignant disorder with a malignant transformation rate estimated between 1.5% and 5%. Thus, its correct diagnosis and proper follow-up are essential even in asymptomatic forms of the disease. This to detect early clinical changes indicative of malignant transformation to an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). © 2022, Ediciones Avances S.L.. All rights reserved.Ítem Clinical applications of ultrasound imaging in dentistry: A comprehensive literature review(Elsevier, 2024-06) Díaz, L.; Contador, R.; Albrecht, H.; Ibáñez, M.; Urrutia, P.; Bencze, B.; Toro, M.; Sáenz-Ravello, G.Ultrasonography (USG) is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound waves with a frequency greater than 20.000 Hz, corresponding to the upper limit of audible human sound. The frequencies used in ultrasound imaging typically range from 1 MHz to 16 MHz. The principles and applications of this type of waves were first described by the Curie brothers and despite the time that has passed, their use in dentistry has not currently become widespread. The generation of images in USG is the result of the relationship and behavior experienced by different bodies and structures before the application of ultrasound pulses. Ultrasound imaging and its different modes have been used in different areas of dentistry, surgery, and maxillofacial aesthetics, in the description of cysts and tumors, identification of caries, dental fractures or cracks, periodontal bone defects, maxillofacial fractures, temporomandibular disorders, evaluation of periodontal and peri‑implant tissues, in addition to the identification of anatomical structures in the facial region. Although USG in dentistry offers considerable advantages over other frequently used diagnostic imaging techniques, further research is still required in relation to the equipment used for the study of the maxillofacial area, the different tissues and anatomical spaces that are part of it.Ítem Opciones de tratamiento para la apnea obstructiva del sueño leve y moderadaTreatment options for mild and moderate obstructive sleep apnea(Clínica Las Condes, 2024-08) Jorquera, J.; Salas-Cossio, C.; Oyarzo, J.; Pacheco, C.; Del Favero, M.; Sánchez, M.La apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) es una enfermedad frecuente que produce síntomas diurnos, deterioro en la calidad de vida, mayor riesgo de morbi-mortalidad cardio y cerebrovascular, deterioro neuro cognitivo y mayor accidentabilidad de tránsito. La terapia con presión positiva continua en la vía aérea (CPAP) es altamente eficaz y ha sido el tratamiento de elección en los pacientes con enfermedad grave y aquellos con enfermedad moderada con síntomas diurnos y/o comorbilidad cardiovascular, sin embargo, la CPAP tiene limitaciones en términos de aceptación y adherencia al tratamiento. Existen diversas opciones de tratamiento, como la pérdida de peso, el uso de dispositivos orales, medidas posturales, cirugía y la terapia miofuncional. Estos tratamientos personalizados han demostrado buenos resultados, especialmente en pacientes con AOS leve a moderada o en aquellos que buscan alternativas efectivas al tratamiento convencional. Se reconoce cada vez más que la AOS es un trastorno multifactorial con diversas presentaciones clínicas, fisiopatología y comorbilidades. Una mejor comprensión de la heterogeneidad de los pacientes permitirá enfoques de tratamiento más personalizados y garantizará la efectividad de las intervenciones mediante una medicina avanzada y de precisión. Esta revisión proporciona una descripción de los enfoques actuales para el tratamiento no quirúrgico de la AOS leve a moderada en pacientes sin indicación de tratamiento con CPAP o que rechazan dicha opción, además de proponer un algoritmo terapéutico para orientar el manejo de estos pacientes.Ítem Caracterización de los casos de fracturas maxilofaciales operados en el Hospital Carlos van Buren, Chile, entre los años 2010-2014(Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial, 2018) Faille, A.; Badillo, Ó.Objetivos El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir demográficamente la población estudiada, la etiología y los tratamientos quirúrgicos utilizados en el Hospital Carlos van Buren en Chile entre los años 2010 y 2014. Método Recolección de datos mediante revisión retrospectiva de fichas médicas de los pacientes operados por trauma maxilofacial entre el 1 de enero de 2010 y 31 de diciembre de 2014. Resultados Se encontró una preponderancia de pacientes varones (83%), y la relación hombre a mujer fue de 5: 1. Aproximadamente la mitad de los casos tenían entre 20 y 39 años de edad, con una edad promedio de 34 años. El diagnóstico maxilofacial más frecuente fue la fractura mandibular (47%). Las lesiones no maxilofaciales asociadas ocurrieron en el 38% de los casos, el 37,5% de los pacientes sufrió un traumatismo encéfalo-craneano. El traumatismo maxilofacial fue causado por agresiones en el 45,5%, seguido por accidentes de tránsito en el 19,6%. Reducción abierta y osteosíntesis múltiple se realizó en la mayoría de los casos. Cuanto mayor fue el número de fracturas, mayor fue el tiempo de hospitalización, siendo la media de 11,8 días. Conclusión Los resultados obtenidos son en general coincidentes con la literatura.Ítem Artroscopía de la articulación temporomandibularTemporomandibular joint arthroscopy(Clínica Las Conde, 2023) Ahumada, R.; de la Fuente, M.; Núñez, C.La artroscopía de la articulación temporomandibular (ACTM), descrita por el Dr. Ohnishi en el año 1976, se ha posicionado como una alternativa terapéutica de gran utilidad en el tratamiento de las patologías de esta articulación dada su gran versatilidad y su baja morbilidad. Las patologías de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) son complejas ya que su origen es multifactorial, generando desde trastornos inflamatorios articulares hasta patologías degenerativas con destrucción severa de la anatomía de la ATM. Los signos y síntomas suelen ser diversos, tales como dolor, alteraciones en la dinámica mandibular, trastornos oclusales, entre otros, afectando en forma importante la calidad de vida. Por lo antes descrito, no existe un tratamiento único y exclusivo para resolver estas patologías, sino que se ha establecido un tipo de tratamiento multimodal, siendo los tratamientos funcionales en conjunto con los tratamientos quirúrgicos, en los casos indicados, la mejor elección. La ACTM en estos últimos casos es útil, pues permite visualizar la articulación a través de un tratamiento mínimamente invasivo disminuyendo la morbilidad quirúrgica y siendo altamente versátil en tratar distintas patologías según su complejidad. El objetivo de este articulo es revisar el estado actual y los avances que ha tenido la ACTM como opción de tratamiento quirúrgico en las patologías de la ATM.Ítem Empathy levels among dental students and professors from a dental school in the Dominican Republic(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2022) Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Silva-Vetri, María Guadalupe; Stocklin, Boni; González-Díaz, Eugenia; Calzadilla-Núñez, Aracelis; Torres-Martínez, Pilar; Reyes-Reyes, AlejandroIntroduction: The concept of empathy has been incorporated as one of the key elements for the achievement of the teaching-learning process goals in health science students. Objective: To estimate and compare the levels of empathy among dental students and professors in the undergraduate dental medicine program at the Universidad Central del Este (Dominican Republic). Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study. The study population (n=264) was divided into two groups: the first consisted of students in their first to fifth year of dental school (N=223; n=215), distributed in two areas (basic-preclinical and clinical courses), while the second group comprised professors working in both areas in the dental school of the university (N=53; n=49). The Jefferson Scale of Empathy (S-Version) was used. The descriptive analysis of the data included the estimation of means, standard deviations and percentages, and the reliability of the data was estimated using Cronbach's alpha. In addition, a two-way ANOVA was performed, calculating the effect size and the statistical power of the test; furthermore, when the Fisher’s exact test was significant for any factor, Tukey’s test was used to estimate differences between means. A significance level of α<0.05 and β<0.20 was established. Results: Overall empathy scores and compassionate care dimension scores among the professor group did not differ significantly from the scores obtained by the students (basic-preclinical and clinical area), but there were differences between students from both areas (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between the three subgroups in the Perspective Taking and Walking in the Patient's Shoes dimensions (p=0.428 and p=0.866). Conclusion: The levels of empathy and compassionate care dimension of professors are similar to those of students in general (regardless of the area). © 2021 Universidad Nacional de Colombia.Ítem Levels of the interleukins 17A, 22, and 23 and the S100 protein family in the gingival crevicular fluid of psoriatic patients with or without periodontitis(Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, 2021) Jiménez, C.; Carvajal, D.; Hernández, M.; Valenzuela, F.; Astorga, J.; Fernández, A.Background Psoriasis and periodontitis are immunologically mediated chronic inflammatory diseases. Epidemiologic evidence has linked both; however, the change of markers in gingival crevicular fluid has been poorly evaluated. Objective To evaluate the levels of IL-17A, IL-22, IL-23, S100A7, S100A8, and S100A9 in gingival crevicular fluid of psoriatic and healthy subjects with and without periodontitis and their relations to psoriasis severity. Methods Cross-sectional study. Sample comprised the following groups: healthy controls without periodontitis or with mild periodontitis (n = 21), healthy controls with moderate or severe periodontitis (n = 18), individuals with psoriasis without or mild periodontitis (n = 11), and individuals with psoriasis and moderate or severe periodontitis (n = 32). Levels of IL-17A, IL-22, IL-23, S100A8, and S100A9 were determined by multiplex assay and S100A7 was measured by ELISA. Results No inter-group differences in the levels of IL-17A, IL-22, IL-23, and S100A7 were found. S100A8 levels were higher in psoriatic patients than controls (p < 0.05). S100A8 was positively correlated with psoriasis severity in the group with psoriasis (p < 0.05). S100A9 exceeded the detection limits. Study limitations This pilot study presents a small sample size. Conclusions The concentrations of S100A8 were highest in psoriatic patients regardless of periodontal health/status. S100A8 was associated with the severity of psoriasis. The concentrations of interleukins and S100A7 were similar in psoriatic patients with or without periodontitis vs. healthy controls.Ítem Etiología, diagnóstico y manejo de bruxismo de sueño(Clínica Las Condes, 2021) Oyarzo, J.; Valdés, C.; Bravo, R.Bruxismo de sueño es un comportamiento al que se vinculan una variedad de explicaciones, síntomas y terapias. El objetivo de esta revisión es entregar una visión actualizada de la fisiopatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento del bruxismo de sueño que aporte al acercamiento clínico general. La etiología de bruxismo de sueño es relacionada con procesos fisiológicos multisistémicos complejos, como desregulación central de sistemas motores y neuro-masticatorios entre otros. Estas características son comunes con otras patologías y condiciones y de esta forma se le relaciona a actividades que podrían favorecer la actividad muscular mandibular. El diagnóstico se realiza a través de los datos anamnésicos/clínicos y se puede confirmar mediante polisomnografía, incluyendo estudio electromiográfico de los músculos masticatorios y grabación audiovisual. Dada las diferentes posibilidades de evaluar bruxismo de sueño, se ha sugerido clasificarlo por niveles de diagnóstico resguardando el criterio de profundizar cada caso según la necesidad de salud general. La falta de rigor en la evaluación del bruxismo y la posterior selección terapéutica hace difícil interpretar la abundante evidencia científica disponible. De ahí que la selección de las variadas terapias sugeridas se debe realizar con criterio y mesura. Se debe alentar a los clínicos en adquirir el conocimiento necesario para evaluar e identificar la relación de signos y síntomas observados en pacientes con bruxismo de sueño de otras posibles coexistencias y se queda a la espera de futura investigación en diagnóstico y terapia que cumpla con la debida solidez metodológica.Ítem A Step-by-Step Conservative Approach for CAD-CAM Laminate Veneers(Hindawi Limited, 2017) Durán Ojeda, Gerardo; Henríquez Gutiérrez, Ismael; Guzmán Marusic, Álvaro; Báez Rosales, Abelardo; Tisi Lanchares, José PabloThe use of CAD/CAM technology has allowed the fabrication of ceramic restorations efficiently and with predictable results. Lithium disilicate is a type of glass ceramic material that can be used for the elaboration of laminate veneers, being monolithic restorations which require characterization through a covering ceramic in order to achieve acceptable esthetic results. The next case report shows a predictable clinical protocol for the rehabilitation of the anterior teeth through the preparation of CAD/CAM veneers (e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein) which have been characterized by a nanofluorapatite ceramic (e.max Ceram, Ivoclar Vivadent, Liechtenstein) through the layering technique. © 2017 Gerardo Durán Ojeda et al.Ítem A Novel Technique for Bulk-Fill Resin-Based Restorations: Achieving Function and Esthetics in Posterior Teeth(Hindawi Limited, 2017) Durán Ojeda, Gerardo; Henríquez Gutiérrez, Ismael; Tisi, José Pablo; Báez Rosales, AbelardoAdvances in the mechanical properties of composite resins have allowed for their use in posterior teeth. Conventional resins have several problems associated with polymerization shrinkage stress. The development of "bulk-fill" resins has allowed for their use in single increments up to depths of 4 mm, with very low polymerization shrinkage stress. Nevertheless, differences in anatomy and the desire for optimal esthetics present unique difficulties. This article describes a step-by-step technique using flowable bulk-fill resin as a substitute for dentin in a single increment, together with a high-reflective-index resin to restore enamel and decrease clinical time, obtaining anatomically and esthetically acceptable results without detriment to the mechanical properties required to restore the functionality of the posterior teeth. © 2017 Gerardo Durán Ojeda et al.Ítem Factors Associated with Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Preschoolers of Concepción, Chile: A Cross-Sectional Study(Association of Support to Oral Health Research (APESB), 2022) Cartes-Velásquez, Ricardo; Nauduam-Elgueta, Yanara; Sandoval-Bustos, Gabriela; Campos, Valeria; León-Manco, Roberto Antonio; Luengo, LuisObjective: To identify the factors associated with Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) in preschool children of Concepción, Chile. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of enrolled preschoolers who attend public schools in Concepción, Chile. To measure OHRQoL, the chilean version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) was used; sociodemographic variables of the children and their parents were also recorded, as well as variables regarding the last visit to the dentist. To determine differences in the ECOHIS score for categorical variables, ANOVA and t-test were used, while Pearson's r was used to correlate ECOHIS with quantitative variables (p<0.05). Results: A total of 175 children were surveyed, with a distribution of 89 boys and 86 girls aged 56-to-79 months. The total score of the ECOHIS had a mean of 4.48 ±5.96, with a score between 0-38. Statistically significant associations were with parent's educational attainment (r=-0.159), dmft (r=0.380), OHI-S debris (r=0.174) and reason for the last visit to the dentist, the highest average in the ECOHIS scores was registered in the urgency reason. Conclusion: Oral health status, dental service utilization and educational level are associated with the OHRQoL of preschoolers of Concepción. © 2022, Association of Support to Oral Health Research (APESB). All rights reserved.Ítem Three-dimensional assessment of Upper Airway in Class III patients with different facial patterns(Medicina Oral S.L., 2023) De Nordenflycht, Diego; Corona, Tomás; Figueroa, AlejandroBackground: To evaluate three-dimensionally the upper airway (UA) of class III adults with different facial patterns. Material and Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted, in which cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images from a private clinic in Viña del Mar, Chile were evaluated. The sample consisted of CBCT images of 59 skeletal class III subjects (33 females and 26 males, mean age 24.7 years) in which the vertical facial pattern was determined using the Vert index, and the minimum cross-sectional area and total volume of the UA were measured. The minimum cross-sectional area variable was analyzed by ANOVA and the total volume was analyzed by Kruskal- Wallis test. Statistical analyses were performed with JASP 0.13.1 software at p=0.05. Results: the sample included images of 21 brachyfacial, 14 mesofacial and 24 dolichofacial subjects. The mean minimum cross-sectional area of the sample was 591.78 mm2 +/- 149.38 mm2 (minimum=352.00 mm2; maximum= 971.00 mm2), being greater in brachyfacial than in dolichofacial and mesofacial subjects, however, these differences were not significant (p=0.147). The mean total volume of the sample was 13.40 +/- 4.69 cm3 (minimum= 7.16 cm3; maximum=25.66 cm3), being greater in brachyfacial than in dolichofacial and mesofacial subjects, however, these differences were not significant (p=0.353). Conclusions: Considering the limitations of the present study, the vertical facial pattern does not appear to significantly influence upper airway measurements in skeletal class III adults. © Medicina Oral S. L.Ítem New complementary alternatives in third molar autotransplantation: A systematic review(Sociedad Española de Medicina Oral, 2024-03) Aravena-Salazar, J.; Matus-Miranda, G.; Dethlefs-Canto, J.; Niklander, S.Dental autotransplantation (DAT) is defined as the replacement or direct transfer of an impacted, semi-impacted or erupted tooth to a donor site, either to a post-extraction socket or to a surgically created socket within the same individual. The use of new technological advances, such as 3-D dental models based on computer-aided design, among others, have been reported to improve the success rate of DAT. Therefore, we aimed to perform a systematic review to explore the possible benefits that the use of these innovative techniques can provide when applied to DAT. Material and Methods: The literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases following the PRISMA guidelines. The research question was: "Are computerized technological advancements a useful tool for improving the success of third molar autotransplantation technique? Results: The initial literature search identified 195 articles, of which only 11 were included for qualitative analysis. All studies used 3D dental models based on computer-aided design data. Surgical guides and stereolithographic models were used by 4 and 1 study respectively. A total of 91 transplanted teeth were evaluated, out of which only 88 were considered within the parameters of clinical success (96.7%). Only 7 out of the 11 articles reported the specific autotransplanted tooth, being mandibular third molars the most prevalent autotransplanted teeth. Conclusions: Although the application of new technologies for DAT increases the success rate of this technique, further primary studies are still needed to address long-term teeth survival rates and complications. The cost and availability to implement the integration of these techniques to DAT may be a variable to consider, as this can be a limitation for some patients or for low-income countries.Ítem Aging and oral squamous cell carcinoma development: the role of cellular senescence(2023-11-01) Niklander, S.; Aránguiz, P.; Faunes, F.The gradual accumulation and inadequate renewal of senescent cells over time drive organismal aging. Senescent cells undergo altered gene expression and release inflammatory mediators collectively termed the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which significantly contributes to a spectrum of age-related disorders, including cancer. In the context of carcinogenesis, the SASP produced by senescent cells has been implicated in the promotion of epithelial cancers, including oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), the most common form of oral cancer. Senescent cells within the tumor microenvironment release factors that amplify the growth and invasiveness of neighboring cancer cells. Senotherapeutics, including senolytics and senomorphics, emerge as promising modalities to target senescent cells and their associated inflammatory factors, thereby opening novel avenues for augmenting the efficacy of cancer treatments. Here, we review the general aspects of cellular senescence, focusing on the relation between senescence-related inflammation with cancer development. We also analyze the available evidence linking cellular senescence with OSCC, highlighting possible clinical applications.Ítem Association of Periodontitis and Atopic Dermatitis with the Levels of IL-13, IL-31, and TSLP in the Gingival Crevicular Fluid(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-11) Jiménez, Constanza; Fernández, Javier; Aroca, Marcela; Bordagaray, María José; Pellegrini, Elizabeth; Contador, Javier; Hernández, Marcela; Valenzuela, Fernando; Fernández, AlejandraEmerging epidemiological evidence links atopic dermatitis (AD) and periodontitis, although the mechanisms remain unclear. Th2-derived cytokines are key in the development of both diseases, and different gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) profiles among healthy and diseased subjects have been previously reported. This case–control study examined the GCF levels of interleukins (IL)-13, IL-31, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) in 29 subjects with moderate-to-severe AD and 33 controls. All subjects underwent comprehensive clinical and oral evaluations, followed by GCF collection. GCF levels of IL-13, IL-31, and TSLP were assessed using a multiplex-bead immunoassay. Demographic and periodontal parameters were similar among groups (p > 0.05). The GCF levels of IL-31 and TSLP were higher in AD subjects compared to controls (p < 0.05), whereas no significant differences in the GCF levels of IL-13 were noticed (p = 0.377). Moderate-to-severe AD was positively associated with the GCF levels of IL-31 and TSLP, whereas severe periodontitis was negatively associated with IL-31 (p < 0.05). The GCF levels of IL-13 showed no significant associations with either condition (p = 0.689). There was no significant interaction between AD and periodontitis for IL-31 (p < 0.869). These results suggest that AD and periodontitis independently influence the GCF levels of IL-31 in opposing ways, whereas AD alone influences the levels of TSLP.Ítem Effect of ultrasonic activation on dentinalr tubule penetration of Bio-C temp and ultracal XS: A comparative CLSM assessment(Kare Publishing, 2023) Peña-Bengoa, Fernando; Magasich, María Consuelo; Bustamante, Delia; Wastavino, Catalina; Niklander, Sven Eric; Cáceres, CarolinaObjective: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of ultrasonic activation (UA) on tubular penetration between Bio-C Temp and Ultracal XS intracanal medicaments. Methods: Forty single-rooted human premolars were endodontically prepared and divided into 4 experimental groups (n=10): Bio-C Temp, Bio-C Temp+UA, UltraCal XS and UltraCal XS+UA. All medicaments were previously mixed with a specific calcium marker (Fluo-3) and passively injected into the canals. The samples were incubated for 7 days. For each tooth, 1 mm thick sections were obtained from the middle and apical thirds of the canals. The samples were examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and the depth and area of penetration were determined for each group. The Student t test was used to compare results between groups (p<0.05). Results: UA increased the depth and penetration area of Bio-C Temp and Ultracal XS, showing significant differences in the penetration area of the apical third for Bio-C Temp (p<0.0339). Bio-C Temp presented greater tubular penetration than Ultracal XS, showing significant differences in the depth of penetration in the apical third (p<0.0005), and in the penetration area in the middle (p<0.0016) and apical third (p<0.0339) after UA. Conclusion: UA increases tubular penetration (both depth and area) of Bio-C Temp at the apical third but has no significant effect on Ultracal XS. Bio-C Temp has a greater depth and tubular penetration area than Ultracal XS after UA. © 2023 Kare Publishing. All rights reserved.Ítem Doping substances and their prevalence in the chilean sport an observational study(Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física, 2023) Fuentes-Barría, Héctor; Garrido-Osorio, Víctor; Aguilera-Eguía, Raúl; Polevoy, GeorgiyIntroduction: Doping or the commission of one or several violations of anti-doping regulations, where the consumption of illegal substances has gained great importance in recent years as a result of the demands generated around obtaining competitive advantages, with adverse effects often being ignored. of these substances. Objective: To determine the prevalence of sanctions for doping in Chilean sports according to the consumption of prohibited substances, sport and gender during the period 2013 to 2022. Material and methods: Transversal descriptive study, whose sample I consider 101 athletes belonging to 19 sports. For the analysis, the sport, gender and consumption of illicit substances obtained from the registry of the National Commission Against Doping-Chile were considered. Results: The three sports with the highest prevalence of sanctions for doping were cycling (26.73%), athletics (13.86%) and weightlifting (10.89%), where anabolic agents were the group with the highest prevalence (32.67%), followed by diuretics (22.77%) and stimulants (13.86%), with the prevalence of doping being higher in men (84.16%) Conclusion: Individual sports with a high metabolic load report a higher prevalence of sanctions for results adverse to the doping code, with high attendance sporting events being a trigger for the prevalence of doping. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF)Ítem Effect of a program adapted the "Hopscotch" on the sense of rhythm in the movements of russian children. Quasi-experimental study(Federación Española de Docentes de Educación Física, 2023) Polevoy, Georgiy; Fuentes-Barría, Héctor; Aguilera-Eguía, RaúlObjective: To determine the effect of using a standard classics exercise on the development of indicators of sense the rhythm of movements of children 8-9 years old. Methods: Quasi-exoerimental study with intervention group (n = 52) and control group (n = 52), whose sample considered children belonging to ordinary school number 60 of the Russian Federation. The experimental group was subjected to classic exercises adapted from the game "Hopscotch", while the control group was applied the standard school physical culture program at school. The ability to feel the rhythm of the movements was assessed by the "Running in rhythm" test, while for the statistical analysis the Student's T test was applied considering p=0,05. Results: After the end of the pedagogical experiment, the indicators of children in the control group improved by 2.8% (p>0,05; d =0,3). The indicators of children in the experimental group improved by 24.7% (p<0,05; d=2,7). Such results can be explained by the effectiveness of the implementation of a set of exercises using a standard classics exercise in physical education lessons at school. Conclusion: The indicators of the sense of the rhythm of movements will significantly improve if children aged 8-9 will additionally perform a set of physical exercises on standard classics exercise during physical education lessons at school. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF)Ítem Working nurses' empathy with patients in public hospitals(2023) Dávila Pontón, Yolanda; Díaz Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Montero Andrade, Bernardo; López Terán, Joseline Janeth; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro; Calzadilla-Núñez, AracelisOBJECTIVE: to determine the levels of empathy in professional nurses of a high-complexity hospital, to relate age to empathy (and each one of its dimensions), and to establish if there are differences between these levels according to the type of working schedules. METHOD: comparative, correlational and cross-sectional design. The sample used (n=271) constituted 40.9% of the total number of nursing professionals. Psychometric properties of the Jefferson Scale of Empathy for Health Professionals were studied. Descriptive statistics were calculated: mean and standard deviation. The association between empathy and age was estimated using regression equations and statistical significance of the regression coefficients, after evaluating the type of curve using variance analysis. RESULTS: the underlying model of three dimensions of empathy was identified. The values of the descriptive statistics observed were relatively low in empathy and its dimensions. Empathy levels were not associated with the age range. No differences in empathy were found between the types of work schedules. Variability was found in the dimensions: "compassionate care" and "Walking on the patient's shoes". CONCLUSION: these results show that the levels of empathy observed may imply a deficient performance in empathetic care for patients. (1) The levels of empathy are low in the nursing professionals studied. (2) These levels are not associated with age and type of work performed. (3) Low levels of empathy could imply a negative alteration of humanized attention.