Plan de negocio para la producción y venta de biomodelos 3D, desarrollados en Fundación Cardiológica Dr. Jorge Kaplan Meyer con fin de entrenar habilidades quirúrgicas médicas en la V región
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Fundación Cardiológica Dr. Jorge Kaplan Meyer propone analizar la
prefactibilidad de generar Biomodelos en impresoras 3D para potenciar las
habilidades quirúrgicas de los estudiantes y docentes de medicina de la región.
Luego de hacer una serie de estudios cuantitativos y cualitativos, se logra
dar con un nicho de mercado específicamente en la V Región (Universidad
Andrés Bello y Universidad de Valparaíso), las cuales actualmente están en
déficit de estas técnicas las cuales al exponerles la idea demuestran un gran
interés y destacan la falta de algunos biomodelos en sus campos clínicos,
también destacan el alto costo de conseguirlos y el entusiasmo de los alumnos
por acceder a estas prácticas.
El análisis técnico y financiero nos arroja la oportunidad de que, si se llega
a concretar acuerdos con estas entidades en un plazo de 5 años, bastaría para
generar un flujo de caja positivo y se visualizaría como un negocio rentable y
proyectable en el tiempo
Cardiologic Foundation Dr. Jorge Kaplan Meyer proposes to study the feasibility of generating 3D printed Bio-models to improve surgery abilities in students, as well as in medicine teachers of the region. After accomplishing a series of quantitative and qualitative studies, it was possible to find a market niche specifically in Valparaiso Region (Andrés Bello and Valparaíso University), which are currently in deficit of these techniques, and when the idea was exposed the institution demonstrate a great interest and highlighted the lack of some biomodels in their clinical fields. Furthermore, it was also revealed the high cost of getting them and the enthusiasm of students to access these practices. The technical and financial analysis gives us the opportunity that if agreements are reached with these entities within a period of 5 years, it would be enough to generate a positive cash flow. Along with it would be viewed as a profitable and projected business over the time.
Cardiologic Foundation Dr. Jorge Kaplan Meyer proposes to study the feasibility of generating 3D printed Bio-models to improve surgery abilities in students, as well as in medicine teachers of the region. After accomplishing a series of quantitative and qualitative studies, it was possible to find a market niche specifically in Valparaiso Region (Andrés Bello and Valparaíso University), which are currently in deficit of these techniques, and when the idea was exposed the institution demonstrate a great interest and highlighted the lack of some biomodels in their clinical fields. Furthermore, it was also revealed the high cost of getting them and the enthusiasm of students to access these practices. The technical and financial analysis gives us the opportunity that if agreements are reached with these entities within a period of 5 years, it would be enough to generate a positive cash flow. Along with it would be viewed as a profitable and projected business over the time.
Proyecto de título (Ingeniero Civil Industrial)
Palabras clave
Biomodelos 3D, Comercialización, Producción, Planificación Empresarial, Chile, Quinta Región