Identificación de problemáticas en la planta turística para el desarrollo del ecoturismo en el Santuario de la Naturaleza Península de Hualpén
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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La presente investigación, enfocada en el análisis de los problemas en la planta turística
para el desarrollo del ecoturismo en el Santuario de la Naturaleza Península de Hualpén,
tiene como propósito fundamental identificar y examinar las dificultades que actualmente
afectan el ámbito turístico de esta zona ubicada en la comuna de Hualpén, en la región
del Biobío, Chile. El estudio se centra en comprender y abordar los retos que enfrenta la
planta turística, con el fin de proponer soluciones que fomenten un turismo sostenible y
que contribuyan a fortalecer la conservación del entorno natural en este importante santuario.
Durante el desarrollo de la investigación, se realizaron evaluaciones minuciosas de diversos sitios turísticos clave, como la Caleta Lenga, la Caleta Chome, la desembocadura del
río Biobío, el Museo Pedro Del Rio Zañartu y la playa Ramuntcho. Estas evaluaciones se
llevaron a cabo mediante un índice de prioridad del equipamiento turístico, permitiendo
identificar las áreas con mayores vulnerabilidades en la planta turística. Además, se realizaron encuestas dirigidas a los turistas y personas que han visitado la península, con el
objetivo de recopilar información valiosa sobre las percepciones y experiencias de los
visitantes, así como sus sugerencias para mejorar las instalaciones y servicios turísticos.
Los resultados obtenidos revelaron una serie de desafíos significativos que afectan tanto
la experiencia de los visitantes como la viabilidad económica de los operadores turísticos
en el Santuario. Problemas como la carencia de transporte público, limitaciones en la
accesibilidad y la presencia de animales abandonados fueron identificados como obstáculos clave. Estos desafíos no solo obstaculizan la calidad del turismo, sino que también impactan en la conservación del entorno natural. Se busca abordar estos problemas
mediante estrategias que mejoren la calidad del turismo, promoviendo un equilibrio entre
el desarrollo turístico y la preservación ambiental en la región.
The research on the analysis of issues in the tourism infrastructure for the development of ecotourism in the Hualpén Peninsula Nature Sanctuary aims to identify and examine the challenges that currently affect the tourism sector in this area situated within the Hualpén commune, in the Biobío region of Chile. The primary objective is to understand and address the difficulties encountered within the tourism infrastructure to propose solutions that promote sustainable tourism and contribute to strengthening the conservation of the natural environment in this significant sanctuary. Throughout the research process, thorough evaluations were conducted on various key tourist sites, including Caleta Lenga, Caleta Chome, the Biobío River estuary, the Pedro Del Rio Zañartu Museum, and Ramuntcho Beach. These assessments were carried out using a priority index for tourist facilities, enabling the identification of areas with the most vulnerabilities in the tourism infrastructure. Additionally, surveys were administered to tourists and individuals who have visited the peninsula, aiming to gather valuable information on visitors' perceptions, experiences, and suggestions for enhancing tourist facilities and services. The findings revealed several significant challenges that impact both visitor experiences and the economic viability of tourism operators within the Sanctuary. Issues such as the lack of public transportation, accessibility limitations, and the presence of abandoned animals were identified as key obstacles. These challenges not only hinder the quality of tourism but also affect the conservation of the natural environment. Efforts are being made to address these issues through strategies that aim to improve the quality of tourism, promoting a balance between tourism development and environmental preservation in the region.
The research on the analysis of issues in the tourism infrastructure for the development of ecotourism in the Hualpén Peninsula Nature Sanctuary aims to identify and examine the challenges that currently affect the tourism sector in this area situated within the Hualpén commune, in the Biobío region of Chile. The primary objective is to understand and address the difficulties encountered within the tourism infrastructure to propose solutions that promote sustainable tourism and contribute to strengthening the conservation of the natural environment in this significant sanctuary. Throughout the research process, thorough evaluations were conducted on various key tourist sites, including Caleta Lenga, Caleta Chome, the Biobío River estuary, the Pedro Del Rio Zañartu Museum, and Ramuntcho Beach. These assessments were carried out using a priority index for tourist facilities, enabling the identification of areas with the most vulnerabilities in the tourism infrastructure. Additionally, surveys were administered to tourists and individuals who have visited the peninsula, aiming to gather valuable information on visitors' perceptions, experiences, and suggestions for enhancing tourist facilities and services. The findings revealed several significant challenges that impact both visitor experiences and the economic viability of tourism operators within the Sanctuary. Issues such as the lack of public transportation, accessibility limitations, and the presence of abandoned animals were identified as key obstacles. These challenges not only hinder the quality of tourism but also affect the conservation of the natural environment. Efforts are being made to address these issues through strategies that aim to improve the quality of tourism, promoting a balance between tourism development and environmental preservation in the region.
Tesis (Administrador en Ecoturismo)
Palabras clave
Ecoturismo, Turismo Sostenible, Chile, Hualpén