Incorporación de salud integral y actividad física desde la perspectiva kinesiológica como proceso de optimización en el envejecimiento activo, por una mejora en la calidad de vida del adulto mayor
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Universidad Andrés Bello
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Durante las últimas décadas, Latinoamérica y Chile en particular, han
experimentado drásticos cambios socioeconom,cos, epidemiológicos y
demográficos. Donde la población de adultos y adultos mayores han ido
presentando una esperanza de vida y una participación cada vez más elevada,
acompañada de una serie de modificaciones morfológicas, psicológicas,
bioquímicas y funcionales. Este aumento en la longevidad producida en el siglo
XX, si bien es uno de los mayores triunfos de la humanidad, tiene repercusiones
profundas en el ámbito social y particularmente en el de la salud, con
importantes implicancias económicas. Por lo tanto, es de vital importancia que
los sistemas de salud, y la kinesiología como parte de estos, reorganicen las
prestaciones en función de las necesidades y expectativas de la población,
adaptando y preparándose para enfrentar las consecuencias de estas
tendencias demográficas.
Para ello, en este estudio, se desarrollo una investigación bibliográfica de
de características descriptiva, con el objetivo de determinar y describir la
importancia y beneficios de integrar la kinesiología en el proceso de
optimización en el envejecimiento activo y en la prevención y promoción de
salud en el adulto mayor.
En el marco del plan de acción internacional sobre el envejecimiento,
adoptado en Madrid el año 2002, y en el informe sobre la salud en el mundo
2008, se determino que la kinesiología como profesión del área de la salud,
especializada en la investigación del movimiento y biomecánica humana, puede
aportar al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de nuestra población, y realizar
valiosas contribuciones en la promoción de la salud y prevención de la
morbilidad y discapacidad en una población que envejece aceleradamente.
Capacitando a los individuos para ser lo más autónomos e independientes
durante el mayor tiempo posible. Generando oportunidades para que todos los
individuos puedan alcanzar una edad avanzada con habilidades para adaptarse
a los cambios con buena salud. Integrando un enfoque holístico que abarque la
totalidad del ciclo vital, en el que se tenga en cuenta los determinantes de la
salud, y se haga hincapié en el envejecimiento activo y saludable.
During the last decades, Latin America and Chile, particularly, have experienced drastic socioeconomic, epidemiologic and demographic changes, with an increase in life expectancy and participation, with morphological, psychological, biochemical and functional modifications. This increase in longevity produced in the XX century, is one of the major victories for humanity, but it also has deep repercussions in the social field and particularly in the health field, with important economic implications. Therefore, it's of vital importance that the health system, and the physical therapy part of it, reorganize the provisions in function of the population's needs and expectancies, adapting and preparing to face the consequences of these demographic tendencies. To do this, in this study has been developed a bibliographic investigation of descriptive characteristics, with the aim to determine and describe the importance and benefits of incorporating physical therapy in the process of optimization in active ageing and in prevention and promotion of health in senior citizens. In the framework of the international action plan about ageing, adopted in Madrid, 2002, and in the report about health in the world in 2008, it was determined that the physical therapy as a profession in the health area, especially in the movement's investigation and human biomechanics, can contribute to increasing the quality of life in our population, and to make great contributions in the promotion of health and morbidity's prevention and discapacity in a population that ages quickly. By making the citizens able to be the most autonomous and independent during the most quantity of time posible physical therapy can generate opportunities for people to reach an advanced age with abilities to adapt to changes with good health. lntegrating an holistic approach that covers the whole life cycle, all health determiners, and that emphasizes on active and healthy ageing.
During the last decades, Latin America and Chile, particularly, have experienced drastic socioeconomic, epidemiologic and demographic changes, with an increase in life expectancy and participation, with morphological, psychological, biochemical and functional modifications. This increase in longevity produced in the XX century, is one of the major victories for humanity, but it also has deep repercussions in the social field and particularly in the health field, with important economic implications. Therefore, it's of vital importance that the health system, and the physical therapy part of it, reorganize the provisions in function of the population's needs and expectancies, adapting and preparing to face the consequences of these demographic tendencies. To do this, in this study has been developed a bibliographic investigation of descriptive characteristics, with the aim to determine and describe the importance and benefits of incorporating physical therapy in the process of optimization in active ageing and in prevention and promotion of health in senior citizens. In the framework of the international action plan about ageing, adopted in Madrid, 2002, and in the report about health in the world in 2008, it was determined that the physical therapy as a profession in the health area, especially in the movement's investigation and human biomechanics, can contribute to increasing the quality of life in our population, and to make great contributions in the promotion of health and morbidity's prevention and discapacity in a population that ages quickly. By making the citizens able to be the most autonomous and independent during the most quantity of time posible physical therapy can generate opportunities for people to reach an advanced age with abilities to adapt to changes with good health. lntegrating an holistic approach that covers the whole life cycle, all health determiners, and that emphasizes on active and healthy ageing.
Tesis (Kinesiólogo)
Palabras clave
Ejercicio físico en ancianidad, Calidad de vida, Envejecimiento activo y saludable, Prevención y promoción de la salud, Chile